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Comments 19

kleinelady1 January 30 2012, 11:50:36 UTC
Ahhh, such a great fic from you again. Before you I`ve never even considered Eduardo/Sean and now its my Social Network OTP. Loved the fic <3 Thanks for writing!


silviakundera January 30 2012, 20:17:08 UTC
yaaaaaaaay! Thank you! ♥ I really appreciate you leaving a comment.

FYI, here are some other completed Sean/Eduardo fics I'd rec (just in case you haven't come across all of them):

When It Works, It Works; When It's Broke, It's Perfect by banananonana
Jumps back and forth through time between an established happy Sean/Eduardo who have been together for 4 years and the screwy Sean Parker of TSN who began to be drawn to Eduardo.

We Are The Living People by slippery-fish
"Eduardo has changed. Sean notices."

untitled kinkememe fill "Sean's new girl who's been hanging around the Palo Alto house wants Eduardo to join them in bed. More importantly, she wants to watch." I enjoy how the author ends up playing with Sean and the reader’s preconceptions. Also, the OFC is fun.

Treading Water Until You Swim by slippery-fish “Sean doesn’t remember what he felt when he first met Eduardo. But he remembers the first time he saw Elena. Gender!Switch”


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silviakundera January 30 2012, 20:24:09 UTC
Thanks so much! I really appreciate you leaving a comment. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the alternate canon I constructed. I really like playing around with "fix-its" for the movie. :)

If you're interested, all my Eduardo/Sean fic can be found here and I also posted a S/E 4 recs by other people here.


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silviakundera January 30 2012, 20:56:37 UTC
ha! yeah, Buyer's Remorse unexpectedly almost ended up S/E. But it was the response to an M/E prompt and I felt too guilty about the OP, so I kept having to toss all the S/E endings I suddenly wanted to write. LOL.

Yep, writing my first M/E fic totally corrupted me and made me an S/E shipper. My experience in this fandom is weird. *facepalm*



engnrd_disaster January 31 2012, 03:30:09 UTC
Awww, I loved this! I rly liked that they didn't end up taking the angel investment. :D


silviakundera February 5 2012, 00:05:34 UTC
Thanks for reading! I'm happy you liked my alternate take on canon. :)


meresy February 4 2012, 23:17:52 UTC
I don't always read Eduardo/Sean fic, but when I do, I prefer it to be a magically hilarious story by you.

Your Eduardo. I just can't even. I want to squish him. So hard-done-by, bb. ♥


silviakundera February 5 2012, 00:04:40 UTC
Aw, thank you! Not many will take the plunge, so that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

Poor Eduardo, his life is just so hard. It makes me want to give him a lulzy super affectionate boyfriend and happy endings.


meresy February 5 2012, 22:51:49 UTC
For real, your E/S is a terrible gateway drug of awesomeness.

Semi-related: Buyer's Remorse is, like, one of my favourite things, okay.

I'ma just get my creep on and track your fic tags, now.

... )


popcorn_orgasms February 7 2012, 22:28:59 UTC
This really is perfection. I reread it to give me a boost for the day. What were these other ideas you mentioned? *Greedy hands*


silviakundera February 7 2012, 23:38:49 UTC
Thank you! ♥

hmmmm... idk, I have like a dozen ideas for S/E. It is sad, because I'll never write even half of them. I write slow and have to pick my ideas with care, based on how likely it is I'll actually finish it (instead of writing a few paragraphs and getting distracted by something else even shinier). Lately I'm working on a fic that's going much faster than usual and will definitely be finished -- it's kind of Mark/Eduardo/Sean but ends S/E. It'll probably be about 8,000 words.


popcorn_orgasms February 8 2012, 04:48:16 UTC
I'm so excited to read it. I would love to hear that story. What are some of the ideas that you would want to explore? The ones you'll never write? And did you ever dabble in Freddie/Cook?


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