(no subject)

May 01, 2004 17:50

This time the news are good.

Not long ago I had an epiphany and the kitten had a great
improvement. I was squeezing my mind for a homeopathic remedy to
fit his condition when everything fell in place. Coldness,
anxiety (he mewed desperately whenever he had the strength) and
pale gums. So I gave him a dose of Arsenicum album 1M. Poor guy
could not swallow, could hardly open his mouth, so I pushed in
the tiniest of pellets. Three seconds after it made contact with
his gums, he raised his head, raised his voice and tried to
stand up, but he was still very week. However, this time he ate
and this is really something because half an hour ago he didn't
even made an effort to swallow.

I opened one of my Nutro cans, thinned it with warm water and
offered him some with a spoon. He almost ate the spoon along
with the food. After a while he grew tired and I fed him with a
syringe, but he ate enough and then dozed off. Now he's tucked
in and sleeping in his box again with his heating pad and
wrapped in half my closet.

My critters are still complaining that I'm neglecting them.

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