
May 22, 2004 16:11

sucks i have nothing to do on a saturday night had nothing to do last night i want to go down town but have no one to go with all my friends what few i have are underage and the ones that are of age either are working or dont drink or dont like downtown....gggrrrrr. so whats everyone doing tonight? i need some ideas for people to do and places to ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

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silvertrance May 22 2004, 15:12:24 UTC
you suck i need a newly single girl for me...im a newly single male know any cute newly single girls that are looking for newly single males? aside from the one you have coming over tonight


psyche212 May 22 2004, 15:35:49 UTC
*raises her hand* ..well i dont think im cute but ya know. =p


silvertrance May 22 2004, 15:43:03 UTC
i added you back so do you have any pictures so i can be the judge as to rather or not your cute???


psyche212 May 22 2004, 15:34:51 UTC
could be worse..could be stuck working till 11 like me having to deal with pervy old men screaming at the top of their lungs that they think you're gorgeous =p


silvertrance May 22 2004, 15:43:38 UTC
true true


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silvertrance May 22 2004, 16:26:06 UTC


lunacidal May 22 2004, 21:54:07 UTC
I just bloody called you at like 10:30 to see if you wanted to head out. sorry my idea of a good time isn't going down town, and blowing tons of money to get drunk.


silvertrance May 23 2004, 12:57:35 UTC
sorry when i posted that i had no plans and nothing to do by the time you called me i had plans


Weekend pukaflower May 25 2004, 14:23:57 UTC
your lucky you knew it was the weekend! i didn't know it was the weekend until sunday at about 11am. at least you have the chance to go out.


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