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Comments 17

flitterkit October 17 2008, 00:52:21 UTC
Just remembering that time we went surfing in death valley with the walruses. I couldn't imagine anyone could catch that sand dune like you did.


silverkun October 17 2008, 00:53:59 UTC
Dude, fer sure!

I'm just sorry that landshark took a bite out of your board!

Also, it helps to have a wire-fu rig handy...;)


featherquill October 17 2008, 01:15:10 UTC
I remember sitting on the golden gate bridge with you, both of our sets of legs hanging over the edge, blankets over us, and 2 bottles of cognac (one very nearly empty) sitting between us, drawing us ever closer to one another in the chill of the foggy evening. Tapioca pudding cartons and empty boba tea cups lay strewn within a ten foot radius of us, but nobody noticed or cared about our presence. We were, far and away, the only pedestrians on the bridge. And pretty much the only souls there too, which made both of us feel more alone than we probably ought to have felt.

The drone of the once in a while cars was lulling us both into a comfortable state of drunken nostalgia, and it was clear how the night would come to a close. But the playing of the melody was necessary to get to the end, and we did in fact talk deeply and extensively about life, the universe and everything.

I think that's one of my favorite memories of you and I.


silverkun October 17 2008, 15:14:00 UTC
*smiles warmly and snugs up* Oh, my dear, those were beautiful times, and even more beautiful memories.

But, in quality, your memory just barely overtakes my memory of what happened the morning after.

The hot springs... brushing your hair... that moment in the laundry... and the way you wore that most curious jewelry. S'enough to make a guy wish for a rewind button.

Oh, and the result of our publicly consumable conversations actually did get posted under our pseudonym, by the by. I think you'll like what's happened to them, since.



snobahr October 17 2008, 01:44:43 UTC
I still have your toenail clippings. They're in that silver box you gave me, for just that purpose.


silverkun October 17 2008, 15:16:28 UTC
Excellent. Should the zombie ninjas ever come, cast off the ward and plant the clippings around the perimeter. Just remember to feed them afterwards; remember Seattle? We wouldn't want that, now would we?


adb_foldem October 17 2008, 03:19:07 UTC
I remember that time we drove up near Eureka and drove through the big redwood tree.


firestrike October 17 2008, 04:30:43 UTC
As I told you after bailed you both out: "Next time, pick the tree that already has a tunnel through it." I was glad to hear that the Park Service dropped the charges.


silverkun October 17 2008, 15:26:55 UTC
Oh, it's not so bad. The 1,210 hours of required "voluntary service" is kinda a bummer, though.

I don't suppose I can talk you into coming to a "gardening party", can I?

You gotta admit, though, the carnage was pretty impressive, even by our standards. I just wish I could get the stains out of my hair...


silverkun October 17 2008, 15:24:08 UTC
... I don't remember that so well...
WAIT! That's that time we entered that mah jong tournament and I got stinking drunk, isn't it? Or maybe it was just me.
Did you ever repair that seat belt? I'm sorry, I'll leave the safety on next time. Send me the bill.

We'll just need to make sure the ocillation overthruster is dry next time...


0.o... gtonizuka October 17 2008, 03:31:29 UTC
....you don't remember the zombie killing in mexico?


Re: 0.o... silverkun October 17 2008, 15:29:56 UTC
I do, but I could never quite get used to using the WiiMote with my mouth for that one stage.

(Sssssshhhhh!!!!! Are you crazy?!? Do you want *everyone* to know about that? Next you know, the place is going to be a tourist trap and neither of us are going to have a warm(ish) body to practice our fireball techniques on!)


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