Halloween Cosplay Outing

Nov 02, 2008 08:39

Thank you to everyone who came to the Halloween dinner outing ^_^ The two of us had so much fun and were so ecstatic to see all of you awesome people again!! Everyone also came in epic, epic cosplay, and we were so impressed, as usual. *Hugs* We love you so much, you gorgeous people.

Despite the rather annoying restaurant staff and the old guy who rudely shooed us from the sticker picture place, we truly enjoyed ourselves simply because of the company <3

The two of us cosplayed as D.Gray-Man (training outfits version) - Silver cosplayed as Lavi; Harmony cosplayed as Kanda Yuu.

Upon arrival (sorry we came late - we blame peak-hour traffic) with our sparkly lolly bags.

Silver painted Harmony's Kanda-shoulder-tattoo, and yeah, that's Harmony's real hair that you see up there ^ this is the very first photo where you see her cosplaying without a wig (she was even wearing a wig at Silver's recent birthday party). It's a funny story actually - the whole reason we decided to do DGM was because Silver mentioned that Harmony should do Kanda since she already had his hair ... that's why Silver ended up being Lavi, and then ravient fell in as our Allen XD

Harmony made her costume from scratch but she sewed it double-layered so she ended up boiling all day in the near-summer heat ;_; (not to mention she had binding underneath to compress the boobage). The two of us were also sweating on the way there, it was so hot. Lucky it was cooler once we were actually in the restaurant though.

Unfortunately we only got a few photos (we ran out of memory asdfgh) and for some reason in the restaurant most pics turned out a bit fuzzy and sparkly. So, ignoring the quality (since the content is more important anyway ^_~)...

One side of the big table...

And the other side!

The lovely ladies of the smaller table.

>:O =) =)

The fashionable latecomers.

ceestar and aikodeshou giving ShuuKira fanservice asdfgkjl;ajkl; ♥
Looking at them, seems like we got some positive reception for the food...

And some negative ones =P
Trust Kanda to be insulted by a playful Bean Sprout.

Sexy Allen with wannabe-smoldering-eyes!Kanda

Kanda needs to be more happy when he's being hugged by two people :)
(But then again, we love him 'coz he's always so surly XD)

Kooky, sexy and spooky! These girls made such an awesome Jasdevi and Tyki.

Us, doing another rendition of this and this.

DGM group, being in character :D

It's not complete without some crack!

rayfy's 'cover the wall' idea ...
(Last three photos courtesy of miyukiko)

Last but not least, 2x Lulu & Suzaku ^__^
Pic taken right before Kitty!Suzaku was asked whether she was a 'ding dong'. XD

Afterwards we had a short but very fun hour of karaoke, where we belted out our favorite Japanese songs, and then it was already really late so we parted ways :(

col_of_man, gn004nadleeh and sunset_swish came with Harmony and stayed the night at her house, and Nadleeh kept on mischievously taking pictures of all of us with panda-eyes and bed-hair (love you You-Nii, but you're becoming more scarily in-character XD). We appointed Colman as the leader of our cosplay plans while he was asleep, a~ha~ha. And our star ace Madara has cute hair so don't believe her if she says she looks like Ishimaru ;)

After choosing junk over cereal for breakfast, the four of us then went fabric-shopping for our 2009 Animania cosplay plans the next morning which was SO awesome asdfgjlk;aj; we are all excited about this particular cosplay ♥ oh yeah, and the three girls were bitching the way girls do all the while in Spotlight (and afterwards Lincraft) while Colman looked on, which was amusing XD we chatted all this time about a huge bunch of characters we may want to cosplay from one single animanga haha. We also accidentally found this friggin' AWESOME cake tin in Lincraft that Madara and Harmony might end up using for a joint birthday, if we cosplay ;D it's a surprise though, you'll see in time lololol.

Overall the whole day was really fun, and we're so grateful to everyone for coming. This is our second non-convention cosplay outing and we weren't disappointed in the least <3333 It was just super-awesome and we hope to meet up with all of you again real soon.

... Someone please tell us that there's something on for Christmas. ;D Hint hint.

~ Silver & Harmony

outing, cosplay, d.gray-man

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