[Now here's a sight you don't see every day, Sephiroth's sneaking around town with an auto-shotgun loaded for bear zombie. Any and all alleyways are fair game, all who look near or close to dead (e.g. Emily) will be summarily yelled at, threatened, and potentially hit in the head with a bottle. You don't even want to know what might happen if you'
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Comments 15
Zombie-mode Kadaj spots Seph. This requires investigation, so Kadaj is slinking up towards you, magnum pointed towards the ground but ready to blast your head in if you turn out to be infected.]
--Sephiroth whips around to face Kadaj who is not looking particularly dead or eager to punch, kick, and vomit on him to death. All very good things. Which means hello there potential party member.]
...Do I look like one of them? [Seph sees the way you're looking at him, Sneaky McSneakerson.]
(ooc: Plaaaaaaay it. Also, think we can have random zombie hordes spawn around us now and again?)
[ooc: I think I wiiillllll! I dunno~ But I will ask the Egg if we can!]
[And oh the thought of Sephiroth as anything like a civilian amuses him to no end, but oddly enough he does have vague memories of being... normal. Fancy that. So long as Kadaj doesn't ask him what B.O.W. means because then he'll just go blank. And probably wouldn't enjoy that.]
(ooc: I asked to and she gave me the go. Kadaj and Sephiroth actually getting along together *gaspshock* y/n?)
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