Fic - An Unexpected Visitor, Chapter 6

Dec 01, 2011 22:14

An Unexpected Visitor

Rating - Teenage
Fandom - Downton Abbey, Mary and Matthew
Summary - Matthew finds his busy day at the office interrupted by a very unexpected visitor.
Genre - Romance/Humour
Status - Work in Progress, Chapter 6 of 7
Word Count - 2, 063 words
Previous Chapters - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.

This story is meant to be a fun, and pretty silly, romantic comedy type story, full of fun fluffiness and set in some random time in the future, post World War I.

Sorry for the massive delay in updating this - I've gotten so far behind and so distracted since the actual show started. I should definitely have the next and last chapter up soon.

Chapter 6

Dinner up at the Abbey was much the same as it ever was; her and Matthew sat opposite one another, sharing amused looks whenever his mother and her grandmother disagreed on a matter, her parents doing their best to keep the peace whilst Edith put in a sarcastic remark, usually aimed at Mary, whenever she could, though she did miss a few opportunities through talking to her husband, Sir Anthony. Sybil, as usual, did her best to keep the conversation flowing, doing most of the talking on behalf of Branson, though Mary must remember to call the family’s old chauffeur Tom now the politician was her brother in law. Mary and Matthew, for their part, put in the odd comment and answered direct questions, but mainly they were silent; communicating with one another with meaningful glances and hidden smiles across the table, sharing their own jokes and much more stimulating, soundless conversation.

It was only after her father directed a question directly at them, that they gave those at the table their full attention. “Have you done anything interesting today, Mary? Matthew?”

Matthew near choked on his food at the question and Mary did her best not to sputter into her wine, as thoughts of just what they had been doing, or thinking about doing, for a great part of the day filled both of their heads. They shared a somewhat embarrassed look and Matthew was the first to answer, albeit rather awkwardly which inevitably raised a few eyebrows around the table. “It was much the same as ever, thank you, sir.”

Her husband’s slight embarrassment only emboldened Mary and she answered, deliberately coyly, “Yes, I had a pleasant day. I went to visit Matthew in his office.” She then took a delicate bite of food, appearing the perfect picture of nonchalance and indifference, as if visiting her husband at work in Ripon was an everyday occurrence.

“What on earth for?” Her grandmother asked, aghast at the mere thought of it, “You’re not training to be a solicitor are you? I think we have quite enough professions in the family as it is!” She gave a meaningful look in Sybil’s direction, though Sybil simply smiled at her grandmother, used to her barbs by now after training to become a fully qualified nurse in the war, marrying the chauffeur and now studying politics at university.

Mary continued eating, ignoring the curious looks of her family and especially the bemused, confused and somewhat anxious face of her husband, obviously concerned that she may let slip what had actually happened between them. It was only when her mother pressed for more information that Mary stopped eating and turned to her.

“Oh!” Mary exclaimed, again the perfect picture of innocence, though her delay and avoidance in answering didn’t fool anyone. “I had some exciting news to share with Matthew.”

Again, she made a point of ignoring everyone’s inquisitive stares, instead pretending to focus all her attention on carefully and elegantly picking up her wine glass. She especially avoided Matthew’s eyes, as a quick glance showed he was not only growing rather annoyed at her delay, but that she was about to share her news with him in front of their whole family.

When Mary proved unforthcoming with any further explanation, all eyes turned on Matthew and Mary saw him fidget nervously in his seat as his expression became one of baffled embarrassment and awkwardness. “Mary didn’t have chance to tell me the news,” he said, answering everyone’s questioning gaze somewhat bitterly.

Mary ignored the filthy look her husband gave her, finding it all rather amusing, and did her best not to smile as the family’s curious eyes fell on her again. It was also very hard to stop herself from blushing as she remembered the precise reason why she hadn’t had chance to tell Matthew. Whilst she did her best to hide those thoughts, she couldn’t resist coyly answering, “No, we got rather distracted.”

After delighting for a moment in the now murderous look from her husband and the confused and somewhat scandalised glances of her family, who were no doubt forming their own version of what may have happened, Mary continued, acquitting them of any misdeeds. “One of Matthew’s clients arrived before I could tell him.” She smiled sweetly, enjoying everyone’s expressions as their suspicious faces turned to one of guilt as they realised they’d thought, quite correctly as it happens, the worst of them.

She picked up her fork again and began eating her dinner, all innocence and indifference, as if the matter than been completely resolved. Eventually though, curiosity got the better of dignity and etiquette for her father, for he somewhat impatiently demanded, “Well, what is this news, Mary?”

Mary slowly put down the glass she’s been about to drink from and smiled innocently. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Mary said, pretending as if she’d quite forgotten she hadn’t actually told them yet. She then looked at them all, her gaze finally resting on her husband, who was looking at her expectantly now. She held his gaze as she spoke, wanting to catch every moment of his reaction. “I am with child.”

She continued to hold Matthew’s gaze as the stunned and surprised looks flew between her family and a distant murmuring began. Matthew’s own expressions was one of shock at first, but then, as her words sank in, it was slowly replaced by a beaming smile which spread across his whole face and made his eyes shine with joy. Mary found her own smile grow in reflection to Matthew’s delight and it was only then that Mary realised she’d been quite worried in telling him and what his reaction may be. Perhaps that was why she’d been letting herself become distracted and had avoided telling him, well, maybe one of the reasons. Mary couldn’t have asked for more though, as she continued to look into her husband’s eyes, his gaze filling with joy and affection and admiration for her and she knew he saw the same in hers. Just for a moment, the rest of the family and the dining room faded away and it was just them for a timeless moment of shared happiness, love and understanding.

It wasn’t long before it was broken though, by her grandmother whose words and voice were strong enough to be heard above the murmurings. “But why on earth are you pregnant again, Mary?” Her grandmother looked quite perplexed at Mary’s predicament, “You already have two children, one of which is a boy. Why do you need any more?”

Mary and Matthew shared a secret smile at her grandmother’s words; it had hardly been a planned pregnancy, though it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise to either of them. Luckily though, Mary was spared sharing this with her grandmother by her mother in law chiming in loudly, “I think it’s wonderful news! I shall dearly look forward to another grandchild to look after.”

“Yes, congratulations,” Robert exclaimed, raising his glass in a toast which the rest of the family joined in, Edith begrudgingly and her grandmother not at all. After the rest of the family had chimed in their own well wishes, and Mary found herself quite glowing in all the praise and attention, her grandmother raised her voice again, seemingly unable to let it go. “But what if it’s another boy, Mary?” She asked, as if trying to advise Mary and implore her to reach a rational decision, though it was rather too late for that. “They can’t all inherit the title and the estate you know.”

This time it was Matthew who got in before his mother or his wife and answered, “There’s always the opportunity of him taking over the law firm from me.” He hid a smile, though his eyes twinkled at Mary.

“Or medicine, a very honourable profession,” Mary added hiding her smile too.

“Or politics,” Tom added quickly, his voice sounding very pleased for having the nerve to speak up and this earned him a beaming smile from Sybil.

Her grandmother just sat there looking more and more aghast with every suggestion, obviously finding the thought of her great grandson possibly becoming any of these things quite mortifying. Mary knew she was only just getting used to the idea of her youngest granddaughter marrying the man who used to drive the family about, a fact which she seemed to try to ignore at family dinners, especially when he was sitting next to her like he was this evening.

“I think any of those would be a splendid profession for my grandson,” Mary’s mother in law remarked proudly, as if her grandson had already been born and was being given his diplomas and credentials at university.

This earned her a rather obvious look of contempt from the Dowager Countess. “Yes, I’m sure you would think it a splendid idea,” she replied dryly.

Both Mary and Matthew thought it best not to comment and instead shared their own hidden smiles. It was up to her father, then, to keep the peace and he caught the butler’s attention. “Carson, could you bring in some of the wine we usually keep for Christmas?” He looked with admiration and pride at his daughter and son in law, “This wonderful news calls for a proper celebration.”

Next Chapter

Hope you enjoyed reading. The final chapter will be coming soon!

downton abbey, fanfiction, mary & matthew

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