Title: (3) Different
Genre: Fluff, Friendship
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ohmiya, Aimiya (friendship)
Author: Me
Length - Words: Drabble - 100 words
Author’s notes: Well… I rarely see OhMiya rabu and more of AiMiya recently… And then my sister was kidding around saying Ohmiya break up and Nino moved to Aiba, that’s why the idea just came to me. Hehehehe~~~ I’
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I write long comment, I don't know how. I'm just writing and the comment become longer and longer.
I love those love stares *0* And there is that 10 second challenge in VSA
( ... )
I'm only that open with my friends :)
Or if I have something to say, and I always have something to say with Arashi :D
but then fan-girling really connects a lot of people ne? Even strangers suddenly talk because of fandom...
If I like someone, I really CAN'T talk to him/her.
Really, all around the world! It's great. I have a friend on the net like that; we are not fangirling over the same group, we just have the same passion for mangas and it's been almost 3 years since we talked together. But now, she had been forced to delete her account :(
Yeah, especially when if I became someone's fanfiction's fan... I really talk to her if I can... XDDD
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