Hapy to enlighten you then! : ) A fanmix is simply a mix of songs/music that you (or the mixer) thinks represents a character, a pairing, a show, a book etc... E.g., I think Heather Nova's I'm The Girl is a perfect track for Amanda, and would include it in an Amanda fanmix, if I were ever to make one. People usually make them with anywhere from 7-20 tracks, sometimes with cover art like a real CD, and post them to places like fanmix. Hope that's cleared it up for you. : )
Comments 2
A fanmix is simply a mix of songs/music that you (or the mixer) thinks represents a character, a pairing, a show, a book etc... E.g., I think Heather Nova's I'm The Girl is a perfect track for Amanda, and would include it in an Amanda fanmix, if I were ever to make one.
People usually make them with anywhere from 7-20 tracks, sometimes with cover art like a real CD, and post them to places like fanmix.
Hope that's cleared it up for you. : )
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