For anyone feeling lyrical/bored/lurky, I thought we could play one of those 'guess the lyrics' game that's been floating around.
Witness my slightly eclectic taste in music. I have 20 lyrics from many random, (many) popular artists listed after the cut. Give me the name of the song and the artist (if it's a popular cover of the track it's OK to give the non-original artist), and whoever gets the most right gets a toy surprise. Or icons or something.
I have no idea how easy (or not) these are, but if you get #3 I will squee muchly. : D
Comments will be screened. ETA It helps if I actually screen them when I say I will. D'oh!
Feel free to come back later if you remember some more answers.
1) Alone and bored / On a thirtieth century night
2) Have you come here for forgiveness? / Have you come to raise the dead?
3) Who is the guy lookin' bad? / I mean bad
4) 99 years underneath that ground / I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down
5) Trees and knees are lovely / Seek it, find the core
6) Blood and blisters on my fingers / Chaos rules when we're apart
7) Constant quarreling, the childish fits, and our clothes in a pile on the ottoman
8) Candelabra's lighted / Satan has been sighted
9) So dose me up once is not enough / I can still see the ground
10) Talk is cheap and lies are expensive / My wallet's fat and so is my head
11) See, I've already waited too long / And all my hope is gone
12) My hands clench the squeegee / A secular rosary
13) If you should ever leave me / Though life would still go on believe me
14) They're terribly terribly terribly terribly moody / Then all of a sudden turn happy
15) How could she say to me / Love will find a way?
16) I'm especially good at expectorating / Ptoooey!
17) Just put me in a wheelchair, get me to the show / Hurry hurry hurry before I go loco
18) Sie wird heut nacht nicht untergehen / Und die Welt zahlt laut bis zehn
19) I've been raising up my hands - drive another nail in / Just what God needs, one more victim
20) Now you're so cute, I like your style / And I know what you mean when you give me a flash of that smile