Vid: Bloody Shirt [Welcome to Night Vale]

Apr 13, 2014 08:16

Title: Bloody Shirt
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Music: "Bloody Shirt (BASTILLE Remix)" by To Kill A King
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood/gore
Summary: Cecil wasn’t the first Night Vale radio host, after all.

Notes: I started working on the very early stages of this in August of last year, but then kind of got overwhelmed by the scope of it and put it on the back burner. Then in February,
scribe asked me if I wanted to finish and premiere it at Bitchin' Party (Pacificon), and I was like, uhhhhh, sure??? Why not. Sounds fun! Cut to me a month later, panicking because oh my fucking god why did I decide to vid for a fandom with a non-visual canon, WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH ME? After a song change, many hours of tearing my hair out, and one all-nighter, here we are.

Lots of love and thanks to Alex/
maladyofthequotidian for encouraging me from the very beginning to make this and
scribe for being the one to actually get me to finish it.

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Originally posted here. Comments at DW:

vid: welcome to night vale, vid

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