Title: Ron's Big Adventure (1/1)
silvernatashaRating: All Ages
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Molly's little boy is all grown up and getting ready for the biggest adventure of his life - starting Hogwarts.
Word Count: 777.
A/N: Written in response to
7spells prompt the only adventure.
When he seemed more interested in what the twins were doing, Molly clapped her hands in front of Ron’s face. Just because it was September the first and they could do magic again, it didn’t mean that they had to use magic for every little thing - they had just tied Percy’s shoelaces together with magic, but she decided to leave Arthur to deal with them. Percy was ranting and reminding them that he was a prefect and if he was at school he wouldn’t hesitate to take house points.
“Ron! Pay attention!” She used her best stern frown. “This is important, Ron.”
Ron rubbed his nose. “Yes, Mum.”
She handed him his bag. “Now, listen. Your train ticket is in the pocket, okay? And I’ve put a couple of your comics in as well - the train ride is rather long.”
“Yes, Mum.”
Molly frowned. “Don’t ‘yes, Mum’ me, Ron. There’s no call to be sullen. You should be excited - it’s your first day at Hogwarts!”
Ron nodded and Molly smiled. “I’ve put some sandwiches in your bag, too, because I know how hungry you get.” She smoothed down his hair. “My little boy’s all grown up and going to Hogwarts.” Molly could feel herself getting a little emotional and she bit her lip. She’d felt the same way each time she’d sent her children off to Hogwarts for the first time.
Ginny tugged at Molly’s elbow. “Mum, why can’t I go to Hogwarts?”
“Hush, Ginny. I’m trying to get your brother ready for school.”
“But I want to go to Hogwarts.” Ginny pouted and made Ron make a disgusted noise.
“You’re too little to go to Hogwarts, Ginny,” Molly told her gently.
Ginny narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms angrily across her chest. “But I’m only a little bit littler than Ron and he’s going to Hogwarts.”
Stroking Ginny’s hair, Molly smiled. She liked to think that Ginny had inherited her stubbornness and self-conviction, although sometimes she wasn’t entirely sure this was a good thing. “You can go next year, Ginny. Besides, if you went this year, you’d be in all the same classes as Ron. Just think how embarrassing that would be. Why don’t you go and put your cloak on?”
“But I don’t want to go to London. I want to go to Hogwarts.”
Molly shrugged. “Fine. You’ll have to stay here with the ghoul and me and your father will just have to go and get ice cream by ourselves.”
Ginny scowled and ran off to get her cloak.
“Now, Ron, are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“Mum, I’m going to be fine. It’s only Hogwarts. Percy’s survived alright - so will I.”
Molly smiled, wiping a smudge from Ron’s cheek. “I’m sure you will. You have to remember to write to me, though. You have to tell me which house you’re in and if you make any new friends.”
She rummaged in her handbag, drawing out her comb. Ron groaned and tried to swat her hand away as she ran it through his hair. Inwardly, Molly was laughing. Ron was such an independent little boy. His independence seemed to be different than that of the others, too, and she supposed it was because he was the youngest boy.
Even though Ginny was the youngest, she was a girl, so that was a completely different matter. Ron, though… Molly was worried that Ron would feel pressured to live up to what his older brothers had achieved. Bill had been Head Boy and Charlie had been the Gryffindor Quidditch captain. Percy had just been made a prefect, too, and Molly found it hard to imagine what sort of legacy that was to live up to.
“I’m so proud of you, Ron,” she told him softly
Ron pulled a face. “I haven’t done anything.”
“You don’t need to. I’m your mother - I’ll always be proud of you.”
She kissed him on the cheek, ignoring how he rubbed his cheek with his sleeve as soon as she pulled back. “Go and get Scabbers before we leave. You don’t want to leave him behind, do you?”
“S’pose not,” Ron grumbled. As she watched him trudge up the stairs, Molly smiled wistfully. She knew he wasn’t overly pleased about getting Percy’s old rat, but it was the best they could do. They weren’t the richest family, but she and Arthur always tried to do their best by their children. Did Ron always understand that, though?
She could only hope they had given him enough to prepare him for going to Hogwarts and growing up because, really, wasn’t that the greatest adventure of all?