AS/S fic: Broader Horizons

Sep 07, 2007 21:46

Title: Broader Horizons
Author: roxierose13 aka silver_etoile
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Disclaimer:  I solemnly swear that I do not own Harry Potter and/or any other characters used in this fic. They are all property of J.K. Rowling. 
Summary: Scorpius remembers a lot of things. DH spoilers.
A/N: Happy birthday
silverdragon87! My first AS/S fic... :)


Scorpius Malfoy remembers the first time he met Albus Severus Potter. It was his first time going to Hogwarts. He was nervous, scared that he might get put into a House like Gryffindor or something equally awful. He knew his dad wanted him to be put in Slytherin and that was where he desperately wanted to go. His grandfather would probably disown him if he wasn’t, he thought vaguely.

He went with his father and mother to King’s Cross station and that was where he first saw Albus Severus Potter, a skinny little boy, practically the miniature of his father. He looked as nervous as Scorpius felt with his bright green eyes darting all over the platform. A red-haired younger girl was also with him and another older boy had bounced off somewhere else.

His father muttered quietly that that was Harry Potter’s son and he was to be nice to him, but if he couldn’t, he was allowed to use any curse he wanted, just not to get caught.

Scorpius glanced up at his dad, wondering what caused the smirk on his face as he watched the Potter family. Scorpius was just trying not to show his nerves at that point. He left his parents and climbed on the train, throwing up the Malfoy mask of indifference he’d learned from his father.

The train lurched forward and Scorpius wandered down the corridor, looking for somewhere to sit. He chose an empty compartment near the end of the train and settled in, looking out the window as the platform disappeared and was soon replaced by flashes of green as trees rumbled past.

His head jerked around as the compartment door slid open and a boy poked his head in. Albus Potter looked nervous and gave Scorpius a small smile.

“Can I sit here?” he asked tentatively.

Scorpius looked at him for a second then nodded. Albus slid in the door and closed it behind him, settling cross-legged on the compartment seat. He was silent for a moment, then piped up cheerfully.

“You’re Scorpius?” he asked.

Scorpius nodded. “Call me Scor,” he said.

“You can call me Al,” Albus said, seemingly relaxing now that they were talking. “Your dad knows my dad.”

“I know,” Scorpius said slowly, slightly surprised by this boy’s sunny attitude.

“What House do you think you’ll be in?” Al asked, suddenly serious.

“Slytherin,” Scor said promptly. “I hope so anyway.”

Albus looked uneasy. “Why Slytherin? Isn’t it scary?”

Scorpius shook his head. “People just think it’s bad because of what happened in the war, but it’s not.”

“Oh,” Albus said quietly, looking away.

And that was how Scorpius and Albus Severus met.


Scorpius remembers the first time he convinced Albus to sneak out late at night.

They were twelve and Scorpius was bored. They’d been studying in the library and it was nearly curfew. Albus was packing his things but Scorpius didn’t.

Al turned to him. “Come on, Scor,” he said, a note of pleading in his voice. “I don’t want to be caught by Filch out. Let’s go back to the common room.”

Scorpius had paused, glancing at his friend. “Hey, Al,” he said quietly, leaning in closer. “What would you say to going down to the kitchens?”

Al gave him a look. “You know what I’d say.”

Scorpius sighed. “You sound like your cousin Rose. Come on, it’ll be fun.” He pushed his lower lip out, giving Albus the puppy-dog eyes. “Please? For me?”

Al sighed, knowing he would give in eventually. Scorpius always had a way of getting him to do what he wanted. Glancing around surreptitiously, he replied, “Fine, but I don’t want to get caught.”

Scorpius grinned and threw the rest of his things in his bag, grabbing Al’s arm and dragging him to the library door. It was already after curfew.

They snuck down several floors, just nearly avoiding Peeves on the second floor. He was floating along, singing a song about a king. Scorpius seized Al’s hand and pulled him behind a tapestry that led to a staircase. They came out in the entrance hall.

Peering carefully out of the door, Scorpius and Albus moved swiftly down to the door that led to the underground hall that led to the kitchen.

“Scor,” Albus said reluctantly as they walked down the corridor filled with portraits of food. “I don’t think we should be doing this. Filch is gonna catch us.”

“Just relax,” Scorpius said, looking for the painting of fruit. “It’ll be more fun if you do.”

Albus sighed and followed Scorpius as he tickled the pair on a painting and a door appeared. They tugged it open and climbed inside. They were immediately greeted by many house-elves.

“Good evening, sirs!” a short elf squeaked next to Albus. “Can we gets you anything?”

Scorpius paused, glancing around the gleaming kitchen, dinner having ended many hours ago.

“I dunno,” he said. “You want anything, Al?”

Albus turned to stare at him. “I thought you wanted something?”

Scorpius shrugged, a smirk on his face. “I changed my mind.”

Albus’ mouth dropped as he stared at Scorpius. “You mean you dragged me down here for nothing?”

Scorpius rolled his eyes. “You need to get out more,” he said simply. “I’m just broadening your horizons.”

Albus sighed. He’d known this was a bad idea. “Can we go now?”

“Fine,” Scor said and turned with Albus, clambering back out the door.

When they were out, Albus refused to speak to him as they walked back to the entrance hall.

Scorpius sighed. “Come on, Al, it wasn’t that bad. We didn’t get caught.”

Albus glared at him. “You made me sneak out for nothing. You know I don’t like to.”

“Yes, yes,” Scorpius sighed as they climbed the stairs to the entrance hall. “You’re going to grow up to be a prefect unless I get my way and corrupt you as much as possible.”

Al rolled his eyes. “You’re going to try as hard as you can, aren’t you? I’m telling you, Scor, it’s not gonna wo-“ He stopped short as they reached the entrance hall. They’d pushed open the door and found Mrs. Norris prowling in front of it.

The boys froze as her yellow eyes turned to them and then she skittered away.

“Oh no,” Albus said, panicking.

Scorpius kept his head and grabbed Al’s arm, dragging him down the door to the dungeons. They ran down a corridor and took a sharp turn as they heard a small mew echoing behind them.

“Are you still trying to broaden my horizons by getting me a detention?” Albus panted as they paused for a second, pressed flat against the wall as Scorpius listened closely.

“Shh,” Scorpius silenced him. He was breathing heavily from running so much, but tried to take deep quiet breaths.

From a little ways away, they heard the unmistakable wheezing of the caretaker.

“Where are they, my sweet?” he asked the cat that prowled around his ankles.

Scorpius looked at Al, pressed a finger to his lips, and then tugged him onward. Quietly, they snuck down another corridor, turning left at the T at the end.

Albus was glancing nervously around him as they crept through the empty corridor. Scorpius was ahead of him, tiptoeing ahead.

They crossed an opening where another corridor met theirs and a cry met their ears.

“There they go, my sweet!”

Albus’ eyed widened and he squeaked. Scorpius seized the arm of his robes and dragged him forward, taking off through the corridors. They rattled through the maze of dungeon tunnels, all the while hearing Filch’s wheezing breath close by.

They skidded around a corner and practically flew to the end where the Slytherin common room was. They gave the password quickly and fell into the common room, watching in great relief as the door slid shut behind them.

His heart beating wildly, Albus pushed himself off of the floor and Scorpius, dragging himself over to a low couch and collapsing on it. He glared at Scorpius, who joined him moments later.

“I hope you’re not planning on doing that again,” he said dryly.

Scorpius took a moment to regain his breath but when he did, he just smirked at Al. “Exhilarating, wasn’t it?”

Albus stared. “No, it wasn’t! We nearly got caught!”

“That’s half the fun,” Scor said brightly.

Albus groaned, knowing this wouldn’t be the last time he was asked to do something reckless by his best friend.

And that was the first time Scorpius convinced Albus to sneak out late at night, but it would not be the last.


Scorpius remembers the first time he and Albus kissed.

They were fifteen and the Christmas holidays were approaching. They were out on the grounds, trudging through the snow back to the castle after their last lesson of the afternoon, Herbology.

Scorpius paused a second, letting Al walk ahead of him. Stooping down, he scooped a handful of snow and lobbed it at Al’s back. It hit him in the neck and he shrieked as cold, wet snow dripped down his neck.

He whirled around, glaring at Scorpius, who just laughed and smirked at him. Around them, the other Slytherins just passed by, ignoring the two.

Albus reached down quickly, grabbing a handful of snow and throwing at Scorpius, who dodged it.

“No fair!” Albus cried as Scorpius dodged the snow and ran around behind him, scooping up more snow.

“All’s fair in love and war,” Scorpius replied simply, watching as Al turned around again, keeping a close watch on him. He ducked as Scorpius threw the snowball at him. It just barely missed his head, flying over it and landing with flump behind him.

Albus smiled triumphantly, only to be knocked over as Scorpius tackled him, pushing his head back into the snow.

“Oi!” Al yelled. “Get off!”

Scorpius pulled back, giving Albus an odd look. “Oi?” he repeated.

“My dad says it,” Al shrugged, pushing Scorpius off him and standing up, brushing the snow off his robes.

Scorpius backed up as Al stood and turned to the castle. “Now I’m cold,” he said, “thank you.”

“No problem,” Scorpius said as they walked back into the castle and headed for the Slytherin common room.

When they reached it, Albus went to the dormitory to change, Scorpius following him. He sat down on his bed while Albus pulled off his robes and searched through his trunk for a clean shirt.

Scorpius found himself looking at Albus’ small form. His body was small but he’d developed a few muscles from Quidditch. His skin was tanner than Scorpius’.

Albus pulled on a new shirt and turned to Scorpius, who appeared to be gazing into space. He flopped onto his bed and sighed, pulling his leg underneath himself.

“What are you doing for vacation?” he asked.

Scorpius glanced at him. He stood up and moved over to Albus’ bed. “Getting a tattoo,” he said.

“You are not,” Albus replied, giving him a withering look. “You dad would never allow it.”

“We should get one together,” Scorpius said.

Al laughed. “Yeah, right.”

Scorpius just smirked and elbowed him in the side. “Where would you get one?”

“Nowhere,” Albus said firmly.

“You know where I’d get one?” Scorpius said, as though he hadn’t heard Albus. “Right here.” He pointed to his torso, just below his pelvic bone.

“Wouldn’t that hurt?” Albus asked, eyeing the spot uneasily.

Scorpius thought for a moment then shrugged. He reached over and pressed his hand to the same spot on Albus’ body. “Maybe. It is on a bone.”

He glanced up, his hand still on Albus’ torso. His eyes locked with the vivid green eyes of his friend and he froze.

Al was staring at him, very aware of Scorpius’ fingers against his skin. The spot was beginning to tingle the longer they stayed like that, inches from each other.

After a second, Scorpius leaned forward, his breath shaking slightly as his lips came closer to Al’s. He hesitated just a second before brushing his lips against Al’s, careful and tentative.

The hand not touching Al came up slowly, brushing over his jaw as he pressed his lips again to Al’s, harder this time. He could feel Al shaking and sought to reassure him. His eyes closed as he kissed him, his lips meeting Al’s soft, supple ones.

A minute later, or seconds, he couldn’t tell, he pulled away, his eyes still on Al, watching for his reaction.

Al let out a shaky breath and didn’t say anything, staring at his friend, his expression a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Scorpius moved back, looking away from Albus finally and staring at his hands. The room had gone silent and neither spoke for a long time after that.

That was the first time Scorpius kissed Albus… and it wouldn’t be the last.


Scorpius remembers the first time he and Albus had sex.

It was nearly a year since their first kiss. A summer had passed and after some awkward dancing around each other, the two friends had come to the conclusion that things were better when they were together.

The cold December night found them wrapped tightly around each other in Scorpius’ bed, hands moving everywhere and bodies grinding against each other as they usually did in this situation.

Scorpius rolled over on top of Albus, panting and groaning as his cock rubbed against Al’s pants leg. He leaned down, his lips sliding over Al’s, pulling his lower lip into his mouth and sucking hard. He loved the way Al tasted, like he’d always been eating chocolate, dark, rich, melt in your mouth chocolate.

His hands were tugging at the opening in Al’s robes, frantically trying to find where they opened. He broke the kiss suddenly and went straight for Al’s exposed neck. He could feel and hear Al’s harsh breaths on his ear, his little whimpers, whines, when Scorpius’ hands finally got the robes open and immediately slid over his flat stomach, gliding over the soft flesh of his torso and up to his chest.

Al arched into Scorpius’ touch as his fingers danced lightly over his chest, tweaking a nipple under his shirt. Scor’s mouth was busy at Al’s neck, his teeth nipping at the expanse of creamy skin turned toward his mouth in what was clearly a desire for more.

“Scor,” Al gasped when Scorpius bit his neck, using his tongue to leave a deep bruise that wouldn’t fade for days afterward.

Scorpius’ hands were tearing at Al’s robes, pushing them off his shoulders, hardly knowing where they were going. His body was moving against Al’s, their hips rubbing together, their groins clashing in an explosion of heat that raced through Scorpius’ body, setting every nerve ending on fire.

Al’s hands were on Scorpius’ hips, moaning loudly whenever his cock brushed against the other’s. His head was thrown back on the pillow, his black hair messier than ever and his breath coming in sharp pants. His heart was fluttering and as they continued to grind together, his eyes opened.

He could feel Scorpius wrestling with his clothes in an attempt to disrobe him as quickly as possible. Scorpius had torn them apart so they lay open on the bed, but were still attached to his arms. Sitting up, Al helped him remove the offending article. He looked up into Scorpius’ silver-grey eyes for a second, looking for something.

He didn’t have much time, though, as Scorpius kissed him hard, pushing him back down onto the bed and climbing on top of him. He could feel Scorpius’ hand in his hair, pushing it back, stroking it softly, a sharp contrast to the way he was kissing him, his tongue thrusting into Al’s mouth, his teeth nipping at his lower lip, his lips continuously moving against his.

Straddling Albus, Scorpius was leaning down, one hand in Al’s hair, the other sliding down his body, over the fabric of his tee-shirt and down to his jeans that sat a little baggy on his hips. Abandoning Al’s mouth, Scorpius moved once again to his neck, pressing hot kisses all down his jaw until he reached the spot just above Al’s collarbone.

Al’s moan was soft but cut short as he gasped. Scorpius’ hand had slipped down and pressed into his crotch where his erection had been steadily growing.

“Oh, god,” he moaned as Scorpius continued to press the heel of his hand against Al’s erection, massaging him through the rough material of his jeans.

With a nip to Al’s collarbone, Scorpius took his hand away from Al’s demanding cock and slid it up to the waist of Al’s shirt. In a swift, obviously practiced movement, he removed the shirt, exposing Al’s small but toned body.

Looking down at him greedily, Scorpius smirked, running a finger lazily around Al’s erect nipple. He pressed a kiss to Al’s chest, his teeth scraping against the warm skin. He could feel the rise and fall of Al’s chest, so much elevated in the moment. Against his leg, he could feel Al’s cock, rubbing with need against it, begging for attention.

His mouth slid down Al’s body, his hand along with it. Taking the nipple in his mouth, Scorpius was rewarded with a rather loud groan and Al’s body arching off the bed against him.

“Scor, please-“ Al gasped, groaning again as Scorpius’ tongue circled around the nipple once more.

His hand, meanwhile, had slid to the waist of Al’s jeans and was lingering there, stroking the small trail of dark hair that led underneath to that delicious cock. It was taking a great deal of self-restraint for Scorpius not to plunge his hand underneath those jeans and give Albus all that he wanted. He could hear the pleading tone of his voice, see it in those big green eyes of his. He knew he wanted it.

Slowly, very slowly, Scorpius undid the button of Al’s jeans, slid the zipper down and pressed his hand against the skin, rubbing back and forth.

Al was almost a puddle of goo by that time. Whimpering above Scorpius, he glanced down, seeing the smirk on the boy’s face.

“Scor,” he panted. “Come on, please.”

Scorpius paused then sat up, ignoring the agonized groan from the boy on the bed. Hastily, he removed his top robe and threw it out of the hangings. He peeled off his shirt and that too joined the pile of clothes on the floor.

Looking back at Al, he smirked.

Al’s eyes were wandering hungrily over the body in front of him. They traveled from Scorpius’ pretty grey eyes to the milky white skin of his chest, down his thin waist and came to land on a small splash of color on Scorpius’ right hip.

“What?” he asked sitting up slightly and staring in wonder at the drawing that adorned Scorpius’ hip. He could only see a part of it and he looked up at Scorpius, his mouth hanging open. “When did you--?”

Scorpius smirked and pulled him forward into a kiss. He moved back and unzipped the pants, pulling down the waist to reveal a tattoo of a black and red scorpion. Albus reached forward tentatively, his fingers trailing over the ink.

“But-“ Al said as Scorpius kissed him again, “you said-“ another kiss, “why didn’t you-“ Scorpius’ mouth covered his again, his tongue sliding into his mouth, “tell me?” Al finished, finally pulling away from the kisses.

“Because,” Scorpius said, leaning into Albus’ neck and breathing in deeply, “I wanted it to be a surprise.” His hand slid up Al’s neck, tilting it back as he continued to press kisses to his neck. He pushed Al backward, forcing him back onto the bed.

Albus was still shocked and amazed that Scorpius had gotten the tattoo he had once talked about so long ago. It was soon forgotten, though, as he was reminded of what they were doing.

Scorpius’ mouth was still on his body, moving steadily downward while his hands teased him mercilessly, continuing to rub his cock through the rough fabric instead of slipping under them as they easily could have.

He felt a pause and there was a rustle of fabric as Scorpius removed his jeans. Al’s eyes opened and he realized something. He sat up quickly, coming face to face with Scorpius, who raised an eyebrow at him.

“Scorpius,” he said, feeling his heart flutter in his chest and his stomach constrict. “I don’t-“

“Al,” Scorpius said softly, “we don’t have to, but we’ve been together for a while and I can’t help wanting to.” He ran a thumb over Al’s jaw softly, staring into his eyes. He’d been thinking about it for a long time but hadn’t said anything to Al, knowing he hadn’t been ready.

But, Merlin, he wanted to. It was all he thought about late at night while lying awake in his bed, listening to Al asleep in the next bed, wishing he was with him instead. When he wanked, he saw Al’s hand sliding down, curling around his cock and tugging on it, bringing him to that blinding climax he often got when they were together. He saw the Slytherin smirk on his sweet boyfriend’s face and it made him so hot some days.

Al hesitated. He knew Scorpius had been waiting. For a Slytherin, Scorpius had been incredibly patient, not going further than he knew Al wanted to. Al knew he was incredibly lucky for finding someone like Scorpius who actually respected his boundaries.

Looking in Scorpius’ eyes, Al knew it was time. With a careful breath, he nodded.

He was surprised at the softness in which Scorpius kissed him at first, so tender and careful. He lowered him back on the bed and tugged Al’s jeans off, clearly afraid of scaring him off if he moved too quickly.

When they were gone, he slid his hand up Al’s inner thigh, inching closer to the tent in his boxers. Scorpius was so hard it hurt but he knew he had to go slow. He pressed his hand against Al’s cock, eliciting a sharp gasp from above.

Biting his lip, Scorpius glanced up. Al’s eyes were half closed and his breath was coming in pants. His hands were curled around the dark green sheets of Scorpius’ bed, his eyes shut tightly as though waiting for an attack.

“Hey,” Scorpius said, “relax.”

Al let out a breath and opened his eyes, looking down at Scorpius. Scorpius moved up and gave him a reassuring kiss.

“I’m just trying to broaden your horizons,” he murmured against Al’s lips and Al laughed for a second.

“Aren’t you always?” he asked, his hips shifting.

”Mhmm,” Scorpius breathed, sliding back down. He reached over to the bedside table for a bottle of lube he’d put there earlier. After casting a protection spell he’d learned from some older Slytherins, he opened the tube and using his hands, spread it over his aching cock. It jumped a little when he touched it and he moaned softly.

Albus was drawn to the sight of Scorpius touching himself. He felt for a moment as though he’d stopped breathing. The sight was mesmerizing and he only snapped out of it when Scor’s hand moved to his boxers, shoving them down and exposing his cock to the cold night air.

He gasped aloud as the air hit his skin. All feeling of cold was soon gone, though, as Scorpius’ hands moved to his own cock, so desperate for attention. His head fell back with a low groan as Scor’s hand skated over his skin, wrapping around his hard cock and tugging.

For a moment, Al was in heaven, tingles of pleasure running over his body, but the next second a completely foreign sensation had spread through his body. He froze as he felt a slick finger pressing into his body, pushing through the tight muscles slowly.

“Scor?” he asked uneasily, looking at his boyfriend for reassurance.

“It’s okay, Al,” Scorpius said quietly. “It’ll only hurt for a second, I think.”

Al wasn’t convinced at the ‘I think’ part of the sentence but another sharp pang shot through his body as Scorpius added a second and third finger.

Al’s eyes were shut tightly and he whimpered slightly as Scorpius’ fingers were removed, the pain leaving his body if only for a second.

Scorpius bit his lip as he positioned his cock at Al’s opening. Casting a nervous glance at Al, he pushed the tip in.

Al let out a sharp cry as the new larger object pressed into his body. He could feel his muscles pushing back against it.

Scorpius leaned forward against his panting boyfriend, pressing his lips to his neck. “Al, it’s okay, it’s okay, just relax.” He ran a hand into Al’s hair, stroking it softly.

Al took shallow breaths, willing himself to get used to the new object being pushed into his body. He whimpered again when Scorpius pushed in further.

Scorpius’ hand was still in his hair and he swallowed hard, feeling Scorpius’ lips on his neck, pressing reassuring kisses to it. He could feel Scor’s hot breath against his neck as he pushed in further. He heard his gasp and muffled groan.

“Oh Merlin,” Scorpius groaned into Al’s neck. “You feel so good.”

At those words, Al felt a rush of satisfaction and his body relaxed just a bit. He felt Scorpius pull away from him and his body immediately tensed at the movement.

“Just-relax,” Scorpius panted, sliding his cock out a little and biting his lip at the heat that surrounded it. It was way better than he had ever imagined.

He waited a few moments, whispering words of encouragement to Al and eventually, he felt the muscles relaxing around his cock, but still tight.

Al’s body was growing accustom to the presence of Scorpius’ cock in his body. The pain was gradually leaving but came rushing back as Scorpius finally moved, thrusting slowing into Al’s body.

Al’s face was screwed up against the pain he felt but on the third thrust, he felt a rush of pleasure mixed with the knives that seemed to shoot through his body. He gasped and his eyes shot open.

“Are you okay?” Scorpius asked immediately.

Al paused. “Do that again,” he breathed finally.

Scorpius looked confused but withdrew his cock and slid back into the tight, contracting muscles.

Al felt it definitely this time, an explosion of pleasure that ran the length of his body. His body arched off the bed, his hips moving against Scor’s and pushing him deeper into his body.

“Oh god,” he gasped.

Scorpius took that as a good sign and continued to thrust into Al’s body, a wave of molten heat spreading over his body with every thrust. He head was bowed as he pushed in harder, his speed increasing with Al’s moans of pleasure.

As his speed increased, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. Words were spilling from Al’s lips, words he’d never heard before, things he’d longed to hear, had imagined he’d heard late at night.

“Oh god,” Al moaned, “Scor, faster, please, don’t stop-“ He gasped and arched his body again, his hands curling tighter around the covers. “Scorpius, please, I can’t-I can’t-“

Al’s words were lost as he came hard, Scorpius’ hand around his cock and tugging harshly. His head hit the pillow and all he saw for the next few moments were the black insides of his eyelids. His words turned into a long groan as he felt a blinding pleasure crashing over his body.

Scorpius saw Al coming and felt the muscles clench tightly on his cock. He hadn’t been able to stop himself as suddenly, his body shuddered and he came hard.

“Fuuuuck,” he moaned as he continued to thrust through the climax, finally collapsing on the bed next to Al.

He lay there, panting and staring at the ceiling. He could hear Al shifting on the bed next to him and wasn’t surprised when Al rolled over, half on top of him.

“That was… different,” Al said finally, half-smiling at Scorpius.

Scorpius smirked. “Does that mean we can do it again?”

Al paused. “Can I be on top?” he asked, smiling that adorable smile of his.

“We’ll see,” Scorpius said, pulling Al down and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. He heard Al sigh contentedly and smiled.

And that was the first time Scorpius and Albus slept together, though it wouldn’t be the last.


Scorpius remembers the first time he told his father about his preferences.

Draco stared at his son across the dining room table at Christmas break that year. He’d just been eating his toast when his son had come in and announced that he was gay and dating Albus Potter.

“Excuse me?” Draco said, the paper in his hands falling down as he stared over the top of the milk jug.

Scorpius swallowed. “I’m dating Albu-“

“I heard you,” Draco interrupted. “A Potter? Couldn’t you have picked someone else?”

Scorpius sighed. “Dad, he’s my best friend and my boyfriend.”

“How long has this been going on for?” Draco asked suspiciously.

Scorpius shrugged nonchalantly. “A year.”

“And you’ve…” Draco said slowly.

“Yes,” Scorpius confirmed what his father was alluding to.

Draco paused for a second, rustling his paper. “So how was it? Does he taste like chocolate and cinnamon and pure passion like his fath--never mind. How was it?”

Scorpius stared at his dad for a full minute. Draco didn’t appear to notice that he’d said something so completely odd. “I-what?” Scorpius asked.

Draco rustled his paper and hoisted it higher. “Just don’t disgrace the Malfoy name,” he said simply.

Scorpius was left wondering what had just happened but as his father said no more, he was forced to accept that his father accepted his sexuality and that was good enough for him.

And that was how he came out to his father, and it would be the last time.


Scorpius remembers the first time he admitted his true feelings to Albus.

It was the last night of their seventh year. Most of the seventh years were down in the common room, getting drunk on smuggled in Firewhiskey. Scorpius and Al had retreated to the empty dormitory and were lying on Scorpius’ bed.

Al’s head was lying against Scor’s shoulder as he played idly with Scorpius’ fingers, gazing down at them. He heard Scorpius sigh and bury his face in his hair.

“I don’t want to go tomorrow,” Scorpius murmured.

Al sighed and let Scor’s hand fall onto the bed. It curled around his fingers instead. “We have to, Scor. We have to move on with our lives, grow up, become adults.”

Scorpius was silent for a moment, gazing over the top of Albus’ messy black hair. “Do we have to do it now?”

Albus shifted, scooting closer to Scorpius, feeling Scorpius’ fingers tighten over his. “It’s now or never.”

There was silence in the room, broken only by the muffled laughter from the students out in the common room. The sun was just barely setting and through the high windows, a ray of golden light fell into the room, lighting over the foot of the bed. Scorpius could see tiny dust molecules reflected in its ray.

Tomorrow was the end of their Hogwarts career. Albus was prepared to start his job at the Ministry and Scorpius would soon leave to travel around the world. They’d been delaying the inevitable goodbye for as long as possible, lying together in their dorm for a last few free hours.

“Al,” Scorpius breathed, hugging him closer and sliding his face against Albus’ warm neck.

“Yeah?” Albus asked, his eyes half shut. It was very peaceful in the room even if he knew it would all be over in a few hours.

“I love you.”

The silence was no longer peaceful. Al’s eyes shot open and he stared at the ceiling. Beside him, Scorpius didn’t move.

“You what?” Albus asked finally, pushing himself up and turning to stare at Scorpius.

Reluctantly, Scorpius let Al’s hand fall from his own as he twisted around. He didn’t sit up, but stayed lying on his back, looking up at Albus. “You heard me.”

“But you can’t,” Al said after a second.

“I can, and I do,” Scorpius said quietly. He reached up and brushed a piece of hair out of Al’s eyes, his hand lingering on his jaw bone. He sighed and let it fall, turning his head and glancing out the window.

Al just sat there for a moment, not knowing what to do. Finally, he settled back down on Scorpius’ chest. “I’m leaving tomorrow,” he said seriously.

Scorpius looked back at him. “I know. So am I.”

“Then why-?” Albus asked, feeling conflicted.

Scorpius just smiled softly at him. “Distance doesn’t change anything.”

Albus frowned but after a moment of searching Scorpius’ eyes, his mouth quirked into a small smile. He laid his head down on Scorpius’ shoulder and closed his eyes for a second.

“Scorpius?” he said after a minute or two had passed.

“Yeah?” Scorpius asked, his voice low and heavy.

“I love you too.”

Al glanced at Scorpius, who merely smiled and kissed him softly, the peaceful air restored to the room.

That was the first time Scorpius told Albus he loved him and it definitely wasn’t the last.


A/N: This is like every fic I would ever like to write about them smushed into one :) Please review!

fanfiction, as/s, harry potter

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