(I Owe You) A Love Song [joncer, pg, standalone]

Aug 11, 2010 22:05

Title: (I Owe You) A Love Song
Author: silver_etoile 
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jon/Spencer [Ryan/Brendon]
POV: Third
Disclaimer: Not true.
Summary: Jon's not the traditional guy when it comes to calling after a date, as Spencer is about to find out.
A/N: Written for schmoop_bingo  prompt of 'playing instrument'. See my card for master posting. - I will not give up on joncer! so there.


“It’s been one date,” Spencer protested as Brendon practically shoved him into the little hideaway café he’d “discovered” only a few months ago, and subsequently dragged Spencer along. Since then, Spencer had been introduced to and possibly fallen very much in like with Jon Walker, the barista who often manned the counter during slow weekday afternoons and gave Spencer extra caramel in his coffees.

“So?” Brendon demanded as they entered into the dimly lit café, squeezing past the cluttered arm chairs that always made Spencer feel like he was in his grandmother’s basement instead of a coffee shop. It was pretty crowded for a Saturday, more crowded than Spencer had ever seen, and though he didn’t want to seem desperate, he let Brendon drag him to the counter where the other barista, Ryan something, was doodling on the back of a trashed receipt.

“So it was barely two days ago and I don’t want it to seem like I’m stalking him,” Spencer grumbled as Brendon shoved him ahead, nearly knocking into a few patrons.

“Oh, please,” Brendon scoffed cheerfully at Spencer, who only glared. “You’ve stalked him since I found this place.”

“That is not true!” Spencer hissed, but they had reached the counter and Ryan’s glance fell on him, and Spencer shut his mouth quickly. He didn’t really know how close Jon and Ryan were and he didn’t want Ryan whispering things about the crazy guy Jon went out with to him later.

Brendon beamed at Ryan when they got there and Spencer tried to ignore him, looking around for Jon but trying not to be too obvious about it.

“He’s not working,” came Ryan’s bored, monotonous voice from behind Spencer.

“What? Who?” Spencer asked quickly, bringing his craning neck back.

“Jon,” Ryan replied as though he couldn’t be less interested. He flicked the receipt away and turned to Brendon. “You want coffee?”

Brendon just grinned and nodded. Trying to ignore the sinking disappointment in his stomach, Spencer sighed and gave Ryan his order.

“Why’s it so crowded?” he asked after a minute as Ryan made the drinks.

“Open-mic night,” he intoned boredly. “Bad musicians, horrible poetry, bongos.”

“Maybe I should sing!” Brendon put in brightly, and Spencer just grabbed his coffee and waded through the tables to a clear one nearer the makeshift stage.

“He’s not here,” Spencer muttered as they sat down. “Can’t we just go?”

“Nope,” Brendon replied simply. “I actually like it here and not just because of a hot barista.”

Spencer shot him a look, eyebrow arched skeptically, and Brendon grinned into his coffee.

“Well, not completely.”

Rolling his eyes, Spencer sat back in his chair and ignored the chatter of the people around him.

It had only been one date and Jon had said he would call, and it hadn’t even been two days yet. Spencer didn’t want to seem like the desperate one even if he had been hanging around the coffee shop every day for weeks hoping Jon might do something more than smile at him. Fuck it. He was obviously the desperate one, but Jon, Jon was sweet and funny, and cute, and he wore flip flops in the dead of winter and he’d given Spencer his jacket on their date and didn’t even ask for it back at the end of the night. Spencer may have been a little more than smitten already. But he didn’t want to seem desperate.

He couldn’t get Brendon to leave, though, and he couldn’t leave once the lights dimmed and some girl got on stage talking about artistic expression and freedom of that expression. He thought he was going to need another coffee to stay awake through all of this when she finally got off and some guy climbed onto stage, waxing poetic about the sky and the moon.

“Brendon,” he whispered when the guy climbed down and Spencer could see an escape. “I’m gonna go home.”

“No!” Brendon said sharply, grabbing Spencer’s wrist and stopping him from leaving. “I need a ride. You can’t leave without me. And I wanna stay for another one or two. Please?” He was doing the puppy dog eyes again and Spencer groaned, slumping back down while Brendon grinned.

“I hate you,” he just muttered.

The next performer was a guy with long hair down to his shoulders who did a Shakespeare monologue, complete with dying scenes, and Spencer was more than ready to leave after that, but Brendon didn’t even look away from the stage as the next person climbed up.

The guy was carrying a guitar case and opened it, his back to the audience, and when he turned around, Spencer’s eyes widened.

It was Jon, wearing his usual black flip flops and jeans. He climbed onto the stool on stage and cast around the audience for a second. He stopped when his eyes fell on Spencer and he smiled. Spencer didn’t know what to do, and when Jon looked down at his guitar, tuning it for a second, he turned to Brendon.

Brendon was grinning from ear to ear even as Spencer glared.

“You knew about this?” he demanded and Brendon’s eyes glittered.

“Knew about what?” he asked innocently, and Spencer would have snapped a response at him, but Jon tapped the microphone slowly.

“Hey,” Jon said, voice echoing around the small room. “I’m Jon, usually the guy who hands you coffee from over there-” he pointed to the back counter where Ryan was lounging against the wall, bored still. “-but tonight I’m gonna play you something I wrote last night. See, I went out with this really cool guy the other day and I said I’d call but instead I spent two days trying to remember how to play guitar because I really suck at it.” Jon grinned, almost shyly, and Spencer could feel himself starting to blush already. “So this is for him. This is my phone call.”

Jon sat back, picking at his guitar for a second, and Spencer wasn’t sure if he was embarrassed or if maybe he was falling for Jon just a little bit more as Jon smiled into his microphone and leaned forward.

“We met in a coffee shop with too many chairs,” Jon began, picking out a few chords on his guitar clumsily, like he hadn’t played in a while, but Spencer was too busy flushing red to notice. “And you ordered a caramel macchiato with an extra shot. I knew right then that I liked you a lot. You kept coming back even though you said the café was cluttered, but my friend Ryan said you just wanted your muffin buttered.”

Spencer blushed bright red and turned to glare at Ryan across the room. Beside him, Brendon was giggling now and Spencer glared at him too. Jon continued plucking at the guitar and glanced at Spencer.

“I asked you out and it poured down rain, and I knew I wanted to do it again and again until all the rain had fallen and you said you would if I’d do the callin’. But instead, I took out my crappy old guitar and forgot how to play, but relearned and wrote this song from my heart. Spencer, I think you’re really cool, and if you forgive me for not calling, I’ll teach you how to play this guitar - old skool.”

He ended on a bad chord but everyone rose up in applause while Spencer’s face turned permanently red as Brendon clapped him on the back, laughing out loud. Jon was grinning, searching out Spencer’s eyes in the crowd, and he waited a second until Spencer nodded, almost imperceptibly.

“Thank you very much,” Jon muttered into the microphone before grabbing his case and hopping off the stage.

Spencer met him at the counter, Brendon trailing after. Jon set his case down on the counter and turned to Spencer, a small smile still on his face.

“So what do you say?” he asked and Spencer paused, glancing at the banged up guitar in Jon’s hand.

“You’re really gonna teach me how to play that?” Spencer asked and Jon shrugged easily.

“I said I would.”

“Said you would call too.”

“I just did,” Jon replied, jerking a thumb at the stage. “I hope you picked up. Otherwise, that’s a really awkward message.”

Spencer couldn’t help smiling as Jon went on. Finally, he nodded his head. “Yeah, I picked up. So when are these lessons?”

“Anytime,” Jon promised, leaning into Spencer and brushing their mouths together softly.

“You better both get lessons,” Ryan muttered from behind the counter and wandered off to the other end, Brendon bouncing after.



bingo card, fanfiction, slash, joncer, patd

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