Tell Me A Story [Ryden PG Standalone]

Aug 14, 2008 10:01

Title: Tell Me A Story
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Third
Disclaimer: Not real, so far as I know. Feel free to contradict ;]
Summary: He stays up with Brendon late into the nights not because he feels compelled to or because he just can’t sleep. He stays up with Brendon because he wants to.
A/N: written for 
ivesia19off her prompt of Running shoes, weaving loom, and "The kiss that had been for no one else, {he} took quite easily." Um, something feels off about this but I can't figure out what it is...


“And then Maleficent cackled and the faeries cowered. The King and Queen held their daughter close as Maleficent swooped down on them, crying, ‘On her eighteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on a weaving loom and she will di-‘”

“It’s a spinning wheel.”

Ryan glances at Brendon in his lap and arches an eyebrow. “Weaving loom, spinning wheel, same difference.”

Brendon frowns and pushes himself up slightly. “If you’re not going to tell it right, then don’t tell it.”

“You’re the one who wanted me to relive a Disney story, Bren,” Ryan replies tiredly, pushing himself back on the couch as Brendon scoots away.

Brendon pouts slightly and frowns at the blank screen of the TV in front of them. Underneath them, he can feel the bus rumbling as they head off to some other touring location, probably one Brendon’s never been to. Out the window, it’s dark and only the occasional flash of car lights pass.

Jon and Spencer went to bed a while ago, but Brendon had stayed up, hoping to get Ryan to tell him a story.

Ryan usually tells great stories with intricate plots and valiant heroes made up just for Brendon. There’s always a damsel in distress, although the damsels always resemble Brendon a great deal, and there is always a knight in shining armor who comes to save the poor girl.

Tonight, however, Ryan had seemed tired, so Brendon had settled for a retelling of Sleeping Beauty.

Ryan just sighs and slumps back into the couch. He doesn’t want to be here, telling Brendon a story he’s heard a million - watched a million - times. He’s tired from all the touring, and being forced to spend all his time with Brendon is not helping.

He stays up with Brendon late into the nights not because he feels compelled to or because he just can’t sleep. He stays up with Brendon because he wants to. He likes the way Brendon falls asleep against his chest halfway through the stories, how he sleeps with his mouth open, his breath deep and slow in the usual silence.

He’s tired, though. They’ve been on tour for months, and still, all Brendon asks for late at night is a story.

Brendon is still frowning, but when Ryan opens his arms, he crawls into them, lying against his chest and closing his eyes as Ryan’s fingers run through his hair.

“Why don’t you tell me a story?” Ryan murmurs quietly.

Brendon snuggles down against Ryan, trying to get comfortable until he sighs and bites his lip.

“What kind of story?”

Ryan shrugs, still stroking back Brendon’s hair.

“Any kind.”

Brendon pauses, thinking. “Okay.” There’s a pause and they both listen to the sound of rushing wind around the bus.

“Once upon a time,” Brendon starts quietly, “there was a beautiful princess who lived in a faraway land. Her beauty was talked about by everyone, and her parents decided that it was time for her to get married. But she didn’t want to get married. She wanted to be free, to live her life the way she wanted. But her father told her that it was her duty to get married.

“So since she was so beautiful, she had suitors coming from all over the country just to ask for her hand in marriage. They came from over land and over sea. They came on brilliant white horses and midnight black steeds. They came with diamonds and gold, beautiful red and blue silks, all sorts of gifts. They thought that they could win the princess over with expensive gifts.

“But she wasn’t a normal princess. She liked to ride horses and go far beyond the castle walls. She snuck over the gates when her parents weren’t paying attention and did whatever she wanted. She was really smart and she would go down to the royal pond and read for hours and no one would find her.

“But her parents thought she needed to settle down, so they arranged a meeting with three suitors. The princess knew she wouldn’t like any of them, but she couldn’t disobey her parents.

“She decided then that she had to find a way to get rid of these suitors and she came up with three tests.”

Brendon shifts on Ryan’s chest and Ryan lets his eyes close, his hands still gently carding through Brendon’s hair as he speaks.

“The day the princes arrived, the princess came out to meet them all. She wore her most beautiful gown made from red silk and rose petals. The princes could hardly stand to look at her she was so beautiful.

“The princess only came because her dad made her and introduced her to the princes.

“The first prince was named Prince Jon from the land of Flipflopia. He wore sandals and a weird tan-colored tunic. He had a nice smile, though, and the princess could admit that he was easy on the eyes.

“The second prince was called Prince Spencer from the land of Loafer. He had pretty hair and sparkling blue eyes, but the princess wasn’t really taken with him. He seemed nice enough.

“The third prince was named Prince Ryan and he was from the land of Summerlin, a land not too far away. He had nice brown hair and pretty hazel eyes that the princess noticed immediately. She told herself, though, that she didn’t want to get married and made the introductions like she was supposed to.

“Her father put all the princes up in the castle and the princess knew that if she wanted to get rid of them, she would have to put them through her test.

“After dinner that night, she gathered the three princes and sat them down in the drawing room.

“’I know you all want to marry me,’ she told them as they all watched her. Prince Jon smiled at her and Prince Spencer looked skeptical. Prince Ryan just listened. He was a good listener. ‘But there are a few things you must do before we can be wed.’

“They all listened carefully. Prince Spencer started taking notes and Prince Jon just reclined on his chair. Prince Ryan just kept on listening.”

“He likes to listen, huh?” Ryan interrupts as Brendon pauses.

Brendon nods against Ryan’s chest. His body is aligned with Ryan’s as they sprawl across the couch. Brendon’s legs slide in between Ryan’s and he just sighs contently and continues.

“So the princess told them of their first task.

“’You have to retrieve something for me,’ she said. ‘On the furthest corner of the property, there is a tree where golden apples grow. Bring me back the prettiest apple you can find. The first one back wins.’

“The three princes hurried to leave. As they took off, the princess smiled to herself. She hadn’t told them that the apple tree was enchanted and that any apple they might retrieve would be bruised and battered, probably from having been thrown at them. She was sure that none of them would come back with a perfect apple.

“So she waited for the princes to return. They did, several hours later, looking scratched and tired. Each had an apple, though.

“The princess went to them to inspect their apples.

“Prince Jon’s apple was bruised as she had thought it would be and he looked winded as he stood before her. He had dirt on his face and his hair was windblown. He looked happy, though, as he presented her the golden apple. As the princess turned it over, a worm crawled out the side.

“’Not quite,’ she said, handing back Prince Jon’s apple and moving to Prince Spencer.

“Prince Spencer’s apple wasn’t much better and he was grumbling under his breath as she took it from him. Prince Spencer just scowled as she handed it back to him wordlessly.

“Prince Ryan was next and he was quiet as he produced his apple. He wasn’t nearly as scratched as the other two and simply looked at the princess as he gave her the apple.

“Prince Ryan’s apple was perfect. It was a luminescent gold that shone in the dark castle. The princess couldn’t believe it.

“’How did you get this?’ she asked wonderingly. Prince Ryan just smiled at her and she wouldn’t find out for a while.”

“How did he get it?” Ryan mumbles and Brendon shakes his head.

“Ah ah, don’t ruin the story,” he reprimands slightly.

Ryan just sighs and settles in to listen.

“So the princess didn’t know what to do. They had all made it through the first task relatively unhurt and still seemed willing to do anything for her. Her second task, then, had to be even bigger.

“The second day, the princess gathered the princes and told them of their second task.

“’There’s something else I want you to do,’ she told them. ‘There is something I have always wanted but was never able to get. On the mountain high above the village, there lives a dragon.’

“’You want us to kill it?’ Prince Spencer asked immediately and the princess shook her head.

“’No. Dragons are notorious thieves, and a long time ago, the one on the mountain stole something very precious to me. I want you to go get it back.’

“’What is it?’ Prince Jon asked.

“’When I was young, my mother gave me a beautiful diamond necklace, a teardrop necklace with blue diamonds up the collar. She told me it would protect me from evil, but the dragon stole it and I have had no chance to get it back. I’d like you to retrieve it.’

“Prince Spencer didn’t look happy and just grumbled as he rose from his seat. Prince Jon gave a low bow and promised to return with the necklace. Prince Ryan just nodded at the princess and followed the other two out of the castle.

“The princes didn’t return that night and the princess didn’t really worry. She hoped they had all decided it was too hard and had left. Her dad asked where they were, but she just told him that they were proving their worth.

“The princess was surprised when Prince Ryan and Prince Jon returned the next morning, each with a necklace in hand. Prince Jon’s clothes had burn marks and he looked really tired as he stood on the front walk. Prince Ryan looked normal as he entered the castle.

“’Where is Prince Spencer?’ the princess asked, looking for the blue-eyed prince behind them.

“’He decided to go home,’ Prince Jon said. ‘He said he had a better princess there.’

“The princess just smiled and knew that Spencer was gone for good.

“Prince Jon and Prince Ryan had both brought necklaces. Prince Jon’s was not the princess’ necklace, but it was very pretty. Prince Ryan’s, however, was her necklace and she couldn’t understand how he did it. He didn’t say anything, though, when she asked him how he had gotten through the dragon without a single burn.”

Ryan shifts, his face pressed against Brendon’s hair as he listens and feels himself drifting off at points. But he wants to hear the rest of the story.

“So what’s with Prince Ryan?” he mumbles into Brendon’s hair, smelling the sweet tang of apple shampoo.

“You’ll find out,” Brendon responds quietly, nuzzling Ryan’s shoulder and Ryan tries to ignore the twist in his gut as he does so. “So the princess was left with two princes. She thought Prince Jon was pretty awesome, but she didn’t want to marry him and have to move to Flipflopia. So she thought she had to give them one more task to do in order to get rid of them.”

“What about Prince Ryan?” Ryan asks, interrupting again, and Brendon sighs.

“Hold on a minute. So, the princess knew she had to give them something really hard to do, something they would never be able to do.

“She spent a couple days thinking it over. During that time, she noticed Prince Ryan sitting alone a lot. She was sort of interested in him, but never tried to talk to him. She was afraid that if she talked to him, she would like him.

“It already bothered her that he wouldn’t tell her how he’d done the other two tasks and come back unscathed. She knew that if she liked Prince Ryan, it would ruin all her dreams of being free.

“So she came up with a great third task for the princes. She told them about it that night.

“’I have one final thing I want you to get for me,’ she told them. Prince Jon just smiled and waited, while Prince Ryan listened carefully. ‘There’s another suitor who has been trying to get me to marry him for a long time now. His name is Prince Gabe and he lives in the next kingdom over. If you can get Prince Gabe to relinquish his hold on me, I will marry you.’

“The princess knew that Prince Gabe would never give her up. He had been trying to get the princess to marry him for years now. There was no way he would give her up to anyone else.

“The princes just nodded and left with bows to find Prince Gabe.”

“Does this have a happy ending?” Ryan mumbles when Brendon pauses, his hands slipping to Brendon’s waist and resting on his hips lightly. He may be falling asleep just slightly, but Brendon’s warm weight against his body is keeping him awake. He just wants to remember what this feels like so he can pretend at night.

Brendon smiles and scoots up until his face is buried in Ryan’s neck, his lips pressed against his skin. “I hope so,” he murmurs, and his mouth brushes against Ryan’s neck.

Ryan hums softly and relaxes under Brendon.

“The princes were gone for a long time and the princess started to think they weren’t coming back. She went back to her normal life of sneaking over the fences and spending all day catching frogs by the pond. She thought it was what she wanted, but after a while, she started to miss the company. She thought of Prince Ryan and how he would just sit with her some days, not talking, but just being there. She never realized how much she liked it.

“Two weeks after she had sent the princes off, she was surprised when the maid came to fetch her. She said that one of the princes had returned.

“The princess didn’t allow herself to hope that it was Prince Ryan as she hurried downstairs. When she reached the entrance way, she found Prince Ryan standing before her, looking a little messier than normal, but still the same.

“’Prince Ryan,’ she breathed when she reached him. ‘You’ve returned.’

“Prince Ryan nodded. ‘And I’ve brought Gabe’s relinquishment.’

“He took out a paper with Prince Gabe’s signature promising to stop chasing after the princess.

“The princess couldn’t believe it. She had thought that Prince Gabe would never give up. She wondered how Prince Ryan had done it. He must have been incredibly powerful to accomplish all the tasks.

“’How did you do it?’ she asked for the third time and Prince Ryan just smiled at her.

“’I just thought of what you really wanted and it was easy.’

“’What did I want?’

“Prince Ryan took her hand. ‘You wanted a life of freedom. You want to be able to do what you want when you want. I took the apple from the tree after taking the time to understand it. I let Jon and Spencer go in before me with the dragon. I watched Spencer give up and Jon try to use force. I waited and learned before I traded for the necklace. My sword for it. And I went to Gabe. He was the easiest to understand. I tricked him. I challenged him to a dance-off and lost but told him of another princess, one who could dance. I traded him too.’

“The princess stared. Prince Ryan was obviously different than most knights. The princess knew that he was the one, the one she wanted to marry.”

Ryan sighs. “Does she? Does she live happily ever after?”

“Yeah, she does,” Brendon replies just as quietly.

Silence falls in the living room of the tour bus. The floor is messy and empty red bull cans litter it along with Spencer’s hoodie and a pair of jumbled running shoes. Jon’s snores can be heard from the bunk area, but Ryan and Brendon remain tucked into the couch.

Ryan can feel Brendon’s heartbeat against his chest, his warm breath against his skin. His fingers trace circles on Brendon’s back. Brendon just makes a contented noise and melts into Ryan.

“Do they share True Love’s Kiss?” Ryan murmurs finally.

He can feel Brendon smile. “Yeah. That’s how all the good stories end.”

Ryan pauses and glances down. Brendon seems to sense the shift and meets his eyes, a soft smile still on his lips.

He hesitates, staring at Brendon. Brendon waits a second before closing the distance, their lips meeting in a soft brush. It’s careful and tentative. Ryan has never kissed another guy, never kissed Brendon.

He doesn’t kiss easily and he’s always thought Brendon’s obsession with True Love’s Kiss was ridiculous, but he finds himself hoping that maybe Brendon is right.

He can feel himself shaking as Brendon breaks away first, sinking down on his chest but not pulling away.

“Sometimes,” Brendon murmurs against Ryan’s shirt, “that’s how all happy endings start.”

Ryan blinks and licks his bottom lip, glancing down and realizing that Brendon really is an amazing story teller and he reminds himself to ask Brendon for another story someday soon.



fanfiction, slash, flipflopia verse, patd, ryden

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