Screencap Adventure - Metal Gear 2 - part 1

Jan 18, 2008 17:19

So I've hurt myself and I don't have my normal outlet for stuff to do in my break time/recovery time. So I bring you my very first Screencap Adventure with Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

I recommend playing the version of it on the second disk of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. They made changes from the first release to the second release in MGS3:S. For the purposes of this adventure I'm playing the version created for the MSX2 with fan translation. The translation is pretty spot on so far. As compared with the MGS3:S version(which I also have). There are some slight differences between the versions such as Snake's appearance(and others) in the codec screen. As I said before, if you want to play it I suggest the PS2 version.


Horray! In true Metal Gear fashion some fancy smancy credits roll soon after.

Hideo gets the best credit animation. I didn't cap all the credits, just the important bits. Like Hideo, a name we shall learn to curse before the end of this adventure.

In case you forgot who is responsible for the torture you will willingly submit yourself to.

Oh BOY! We're at the title!

Oolid Onakc? Ah my unfortunate cap timing...

OOoooh fade to white...

And backstory away!

Russia: *hides nukes under mattress* That oughta do it.

Russia: Where are all these blackmarket nukes coming from? *whistles innocently*

*consults map* Hummm... Is it next to Nofuckingwayastain?"

Um.... this sounds familiar...

Russia: Crap! How did they find our nukes?! We hid them so well!
U.S.: *looks skeptical*
Russia: All this money just fell into our pockets, we swear.

Because the U.S. and Russia ALWAYS honor disarmerment treaties.
Zanzibar runs around yelling, "We're the only nuclear power! HA ha HAHA!"
Meanwhile, the U.S. and Russia shoot each other knowing glances. North Korea whistles innocently, as does China. They all pat Zanzibar on the head, "Sure you are, honey, Sure you are."


Wait... what? Oilix?
I would love to be at the round table for coming up with that name.

This always happens...

For three days, I bet. That's how it goes when Snake is involved.


Cue load screen!

We'll get to know this load screen well, it pops up every time I leave the elevator or enter a big new area or die.

In true Metal Gear fashion, the moment you think it's time you can go on with the game play you get that dreaded 'Beep-Beep'

Snake: ...

Snake: Excellet, let's get started!
Campbell: First, we must go over your mission parameters.
Snake: OKAY! :D

Snake: :)

Snake: :|

Snake: :(

Snake: Can I start my mission yet?

Snake: Neat! I'll start th-

Snake: Cool. I'll mak-

Snake: (If I humor him maybe he'll go away faster..)

Snake: Very strai-

Snake: Crap.

Snake: Uh.... huh.


Snake: What's that got to do w-


Snake: I'll just be on m-

Snake: ...

Now, I'll just get on with the mission...

Now's a good time to point out that I am quite good at Metal Gear games... New and old. However... this is the only of them I get chronically sighted in.

A truck! They keep STUFF in there!



Oh, hello mister guard man... pay no attention to the man behind the truck


I accidently equiped my smokes... whoops. This is the next screen where Campbell rings in to tell you the obvious.

Took me a second to figure out HOW to crouch with the keyboard controls.

On my merry way... doo doo dooo

Snake: Fuck.

Snake: FUCK!

Okay... one ration and running away later... I'm set to go!
Then I got spotted not long after that screen so I my health bar is a little low when I get back to things


Yeah, that's right, turn your back.


Another hole!

Ya don't say...

Hmm... let's go.... right!


Let the carnage begin!

Or... just crawl into another hole, that's cool too..

Next time: Snake annoys people by constantly calling them!

metal gear 2: solid snake, metal gear, screencap adventures

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