I MISS THE CHILDREN!salsa_belleAugust 18 2005, 00:28:09 UTC
Let me come back. I really miss Lyle! And Miles! And...okay, Xander, not so much because he was reeeal clingy. But I miss Ben and Fiona and Bianca because they are CRRRRAZY. Here are some pirate names: Umm...I'm trying to think of some good POTC lines: Swash-Bucklin'______ Peg Leg ____ (That one might not be so good) Sea Farin' ______ Okay, I have to stop, firstly because I suck at this and secondly because I found an amazing website where you put in your name and they give you a pirate nickname. Check it:
If you put in ______, you get ________: Sally = Deadeye Constance Lily = Cutthroat Eliza Camille = Swashy Sal Phoebe = Keelhaul Maggie (WTF?!?!?!) Annabelle = Cutthroat Charity Zoe = Swashy Jane Ava = Skylarking Jane Cassidy = The Evil Mermaid Eliza (I. Kid. You. Not.)
I especially like Keelhaul Maggie. Love, Sal P.S. I have seen Riley's future version of himself...Hmm...I've seen a man who looks like Riley will look when he's 24. Yum. He's going to get better with age.
KEELHAUL MAGGIE? that's the greatest thing i have EVER heard. what is a keelhaul??? i must google it. keelhaul: to haul under the keel of a ship, by ropes attached to the yardarms on each side. It was formerly practiced as a punishment in the Dutch and English navies.
um...THAT SUCKS. i'm gonna stick with pocahantas o'malley, who offers her services to smitty to help whip the kids into shape.
Ok, Sal: I laughed out loud. Srrrrsly, I could not contain myslef. "THE EVIL MERMAID ELIZA"???? too good!! I think those are actually perf names and I wish I could visit the site and see what they come up with for "Xander". WHAT IS THE SITE? Anywho, thanks sooooo much. You were a mucho mucho help. And I saw your mom today at my house (auction meeting) and she said this is Zoe's last night!! I"M SORRY!! That sucks mucho mucho and if you need to come over for some Mummers Dancing and POTC watching (It has been too looooong!!) or even some POP watching, you know you can always call. And you can even come over for some pirateing tomorrow if you feel so inclined. Well, I'm off to prepare myself for another Shmitty day. (haha. play on words...)
"A Shmitty Day"salsa_belleAugust 18 2005, 02:05:16 UTC
I laughed out loud at that cleverest of plays on words...Yes, 'tis Zoe's last night and I am desolate (not really because we had a kick ass chocolate cake) but it's not really goodbye, it's only adieu because I'm going down to California next week to say goodbye for reals. The website is the first link when you google "pirate names"...it's some MSN thing. We definitely need to have some "Only Children Not Really" POTC watching when I come home from my many travels. It has been much, much too long since we last swash swash buckle buckled. Lurvity- Sal
Comments 5
Here are some pirate names:
Umm...I'm trying to think of some good POTC lines:
Peg Leg ____ (That one might not be so good)
Sea Farin' ______
Okay, I have to stop, firstly because I suck at this and secondly because I found an amazing website where you put in your name and they give you a pirate nickname. Check it:
If you put in ______, you get ________:
Sally = Deadeye Constance
Lily = Cutthroat Eliza
Camille = Swashy Sal
Phoebe = Keelhaul Maggie (WTF?!?!?!)
Annabelle = Cutthroat Charity
Zoe = Swashy Jane
Ava = Skylarking Jane
Cassidy = The Evil Mermaid Eliza (I. Kid. You. Not.)
I especially like Keelhaul Maggie.
P.S. I have seen Riley's future version of himself...Hmm...I've seen a man who looks like Riley will look when he's 24. Yum. He's going to get better with age.
that's the greatest thing i have EVER heard. what is a keelhaul??? i must google it.
keelhaul: to haul under the keel of a ship, by ropes attached to the yardarms on each side. It was formerly practiced as a punishment in the Dutch and English navies.
um...THAT SUCKS. i'm gonna stick with pocahantas o'malley, who offers her services to smitty to help whip the kids into shape.
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