
Nov 22, 2021 02:05

Uh...wow. I really haven't posted here in forever, haven't I? I'm just having a lot of trouble keeping up with LJ lately. These days I mainly hang out on Discord. I also check my Twitter and Instagram regularly (same name as here), and I reblog a lot of things I like on Tumblr (also same name as here). I really miss hanging out on Lj though, so I'm ( Read more... )

random, holiday cards, about me

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Comments 25

fub November 22 2021, 14:35:46 UTC
Good to hear of you again. And congrats on getting your own place! Are you in the same town as your parents, or somewhere else?

I am fully aware that being able to work from home like I can is a privilege. But I love it, and I love that by doing it, I'm making it safer for the people who have to work outside of their homes. Oh, and being interrupted by the cats is a feature, not a bug for me ;)


sillie82 November 22 2021, 22:26:20 UTC
Hey! Thanks! Heh, I live about 5 minutes away from my parents. XD I really didn't want to live in another town then my parents, seeing how I'm alone and I don't see my self living with someone in the forseeable future. Also, I'm super close to my family and I just didn't want to live far away. :') I do work in another city but it's only a 20 minute drive by car (if there's not to much traffic) so that's not to bad. :)

If I could work from home I would totally do it. I'm very glad it works for you. :D Haha, normally I def don't mind the cats interrupting me, but when you're working with paint you don't really want cats walking all over it. :')


amberdreams November 22 2021, 14:45:39 UTC
Oh I hadn't realised you'd moved - I'll need your new address for a Christmas card! I'd love to see pics of yoru new place, and your art journal with your mum. What a lovely idea that is!


sillie82 November 22 2021, 22:29:49 UTC
Yeah, I don't think I've really mentioned it in a lot of places. When I get stressed I kinda go radio silent. I'll PM you my new address. :) I'll post pictures of my new place soon. :) Will also post pictures of the journal. Yeah, it's really cool. My mom is already doing a journal with my middle sister, and they're making some awesome stuff. When my mom asked if I wanted to do it as well and gladly said yes.


kalliel November 22 2021, 17:59:03 UTC
Aidan Turner does have a wonderful face. I'm pretty sure I binge-watched almost all of Being Human in a single go after a friend introduced it to me; he was my fave, though I loved the whole house.

Congrats on getting back to drawing, and on the move! The garden sounds so fabulous, as does the fact that you get an entire arts and crafts room. What a dream!! I would love to see pics; I love seeing the 3D space my online friends inhabit, hahaha.

I'd love to get your new address for cards! Mine is the same as last year (the 49053 one).


sillie82 November 22 2021, 22:35:42 UTC
Ugh, I love his face so much. XD Being Human is so good though. Annie and George are also great, and I really love the dynamic between them. But Aidan as Mitchell was def my fave. Such an interesting character. <3

Thank you! Will def. post pictures soon. I also love seeing pictures of other people's houses. :')

Awesome. Will send you my new address. :D


kattrip033 November 24 2021, 10:17:56 UTC
Congratulations on the new apartment. A dedicated art room and a garden sound lovely!

Doing the art journal with your mom sounds fun.

Please send me your new address?


sillie82 December 6 2021, 23:05:53 UTC
Thank you! The art room has been super nice.

Yeah, it has been. We've only just started, but it's fun drawing something I wouldn't go with otherwise.

I'll send you a pm. :)


kattrip033 December 12 2021, 13:28:15 UTC
You're welcome ^_^

That's great!

I got it. Thank you ^_^


arwynhalfmoon December 3 2021, 07:08:41 UTC
Hey! That is nice that you've moved and are still so close to family. I would love a card from you and will be happy to send one as well. I'll PM you my address.

For some reason seeing you here on LJ is making me super emo and nostalgic for the old TalkCSI and LJ/CSI days. 😭 But I'm kind of excited for the CSI:Vegas reboot that's apparently happening. 🤩


sillie82 December 6 2021, 23:09:50 UTC
Yeah, I hated the process of moving, but I'm so much happier in the new place. And very glad to still be so close to my family. Thanks for sending your address; will sent you mine as well. :)

Oh yeah, I miss the old LJ/CSI days as well. So sad that the Nick/Greg fandom is as good as dead. :/ I'm also pretty excited about the CSI reboot. Will def watch it when I can. :D


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