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Comments 12

phoenix1966 July 16 2019, 04:16:31 UTC
That image of Jensen and Jared is fantastic!


amberdreams July 16 2019, 11:31:02 UTC
Ooh you did a step by step on the watercolour - cool!
Sorry, got distracted there. LOL. Anyway - great set of artings! Love all the detail on the Epi-pen, that must have taken a while, in research let alone the drawing. Of course, the J2 scene is my fave, and I'm liking Jared's elbow. I dunno, I just have a thing about people drawing nice elbows...


meesasometimes July 16 2019, 13:26:15 UTC
it IS a nice elbow...and sprawled legs lol, amberdreams likes elbows I like crotch shots *G*. anyhoo, really nice work!!!!


beelikej July 16 2019, 20:23:39 UTC
Love the progress shots of your medic!Jared/professor!Jensen, so cool to see how you build your drawing in layers. That first splash of colour already brings them to life! I love how Jensen sits and Jared's hairflippies and that bit of elbow and the background, all the things; it's a great scene.
Nice composition in the banner too, that epipen looks like 'priegelwerk', especially the writing:)


supernutjapan July 17 2019, 05:13:28 UTC
Wow! Beautiful art as always <3<3


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