Spn_j2_BigBang 2018: Beware the Kings Harem

Jul 02, 2018 19:39

Title: Beware the Kings Harem
Author name: whiskygalore
Artist name: sillie82
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Word count: 33k
Warnings: bottom Jensen, minor violence, hurt Jensen.

Summary:When one of King Jared's more eccentric judgements backfires and he suddenly finds himself in possession of eighteen year old farm-boy Jensen Ackles, he decides that Jensen, who ( Read more... )

icons, fanart: supernatural, jensen ackles, fanart, drawings, jared padalecki, art, bigbang

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Comments 41

dun July 3 2018, 18:54:14 UTC
Very nice art! I love that you've used watercolor, and also posted the progress pics. The light in the banner illustration has a really nice atmospheric feel. With Jared in the bath, you've captured his introspective expression wonderfully. <3


sillie82 November 25 2018, 11:43:29 UTC
Thank you so much! I love seeing progress pics in other artposts, so I'm glad I remembered to take pictures in between working on my art. Glad you like it. :D


amypond45 July 3 2018, 19:19:51 UTC
Wonderful work! Naked Jared and tied-up-and-bleeding Jensen are pretty hard to resist (who's resisting?!) Looking forward to reading the story!


sillie82 November 25 2018, 11:43:53 UTC
Haha, I know right? Thanks so much bb. <3


red_b_rackham July 3 2018, 20:30:55 UTC
Oh WOW, these are fab and really well done!! I love the shading and coloring. You are awesome! <3


sillie82 November 25 2018, 11:44:11 UTC
Thank you so much bb. <3


quickreaver July 3 2018, 21:05:08 UTC
I love that you do WHOLE scenes; I cheap out and seldom add background, lol! Well done, lovely!


sillie82 November 25 2018, 11:44:45 UTC
Haha. Pff, I usually cheap out as well, but I really felt like doing backgrounds this time. Thanks so much bb. <3


milly_gal July 4 2018, 08:26:59 UTC
Wow, that's stunning, the hill done in watercolours is just beautiful, and then the nice crisp lines of the castle - LOVELY! Well done for posting bb, as always your artwork rocks and blows me away ♥


sillie82 November 25 2018, 11:44:59 UTC
Thank you so much bb. <3


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