Some thank you's and other stuff.

Feb 09, 2018 01:49

I'm super late with this, but here we go. So about two weeks ago (January 28th) it was my birthday, and I wanted to thank everyone for the lovely messages (I hope I didn't miss/ forget anyone from here on LJ. If so, sorry!).

stir_of_echoes, hugemind, kalliel, milly_gal, kazluvsbooks, meus_venator, amypond45 and emmatheslayer for their LJ messages.

fub, dizzojay, casey28, be_my_precious and supernutjapan for the lovely LJ posts.

And roxymissrose for the lovely v-gift. <3 ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

milly_gal February 10 2018, 08:22:59 UTC
Look at all the much deserved loves and shinies. I am loving on those Zelda socks :DDD


sillie82 February 14 2018, 20:07:58 UTC
The socks are great. :D


lady_eilthana February 13 2018, 21:09:28 UTC
Hehe, cool socks. And also a (very) belated "Happy Birthday!".


sillie82 February 14 2018, 20:08:09 UTC
Thank you!


hefreak February 21 2018, 01:04:33 UTC
I am the worst and haven't been on here enough lately, and I totally missed your birthday! D: I'm sorry! I'm SUPER late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you really enjoyed it, and it looks like you got some awesome things!


sillie82 March 4 2018, 23:52:51 UTC
Thanks! :)


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