ReverseBang and Pictures

Dec 04, 2017 00:20

* In case some people didn't see... I posted my second ReverseBang artpost last week! You can check it out HERE.

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reversebang, pictures, about me

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Comments 8

hefreak December 4 2017, 03:21:19 UTC
The black and white pics are so cool!!


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:24:00 UTC
I really liked doing that. Glad you like them. :)


milly_gal December 4 2017, 10:20:16 UTC
Very cool B&W piccies. It's such fun doing the 7 in 7 isn't it? And quite difficult figuring out how to get the pics with no explanation or people in them!


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:24:26 UTC
Thanks! I had a lot of fun doing it. :D


amberdreams December 4 2017, 13:15:33 UTC
I missed your B&W series on FB (I'm missing pretty much everything on there at the moment!) - for a second I thought the 3rd one down was your home but then I realised was more likely your work!


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:25:05 UTC
Haha, yes, that's my workplace. :)


hugemind December 4 2017, 22:42:57 UTC
Thanks for the artpost reminder - I had missed it somehow. <3

The b&w pics look very nice! They make me want to try and take some b&w photos myself. :)


sillie82 January 17 2018, 15:25:35 UTC
Thank you! I had a lot of fun taking them. Ooh, do it! :D


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