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Comments 32

kazluvsbooks November 13 2017, 22:34:20 UTC
Awesome art! Can’t wait to read ✅


sillie82 November 14 2017, 22:43:31 UTC
Thank you! Enjoy the story! :)


amberdreams November 13 2017, 22:53:40 UTC
I love your crows, all of them in all the versions - pencil and digitally enhanced! Your original piece was simply lovely and all the extras are great. I'm really looking forward to reading the story!

And thanks for the progress shots! Love to see those.


sillie82 November 14 2017, 22:44:45 UTC
Thank you, so glad you like it all. I hope you'll enjoy the story. :)

I always love to see them as well, so I try to add them if I can. :D


beelikej November 13 2017, 22:58:48 UTC
Oooooh, I love the dark blue in the banner, it's looks gorgeous with the black of the bird. I think I already told you how much I liked the concept and look of the prompt, but you really took that bird to another level in the storybanner! \o/

*squees at seeing making of* So cool to see a step by step of you building that beautiful drawing layer by layer. You've captured Jared's face so well and his hairflippies are so fluffy! *stares and scrolls up and down* I so love seeing his face come to live:)

Relieved to see you also managed to play with Jensen, heehee, I was beginning to wonder about you :-p
All the extras are sweeeet. Yay for the scarf:)

Great set, bb!


sillie82 November 14 2017, 22:46:26 UTC
Thank you bb, so glad you like it. :)

Hee, I always love seeing making of's in other people's artposts, to I always try to add one as well. Glad you liked seeing it.

Lol, wouldn't be me if I didn't add Jensen somewhere. :')


borgmama1of5 November 13 2017, 23:26:56 UTC
Love your use of color in Jared's picture, and the b&w are lovely too!


sillie82 November 14 2017, 22:46:58 UTC
Thank you!


quickreaver November 14 2017, 01:01:25 UTC
Ooooh, pretty pretty! I always loved the Jared piece, but the birds are fantastic too! And of course, Jensen's cuteness, WELL...


sillie82 November 14 2017, 22:50:29 UTC
Heehee, thank you lady! So glad you like it. :D


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