Oooh... look! :D

May 07, 2017 22:46

So the other day I did the Fanfic Wishlist Meme (if you didn't see it yet, come check it out. I would love some links or maybe talk about liking the same things. :D).

The lovely milly_gal actually wrote a fic for my first two wishes/prompts. How awesome is that? :D :D

Title: I know you're hurting, I can see your heart.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: ( Read more... )

supernatural, meme, fanfic, gifts

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Comments 1

milly_gal May 8 2017, 10:24:07 UTC
Awww, thanks so much bb and I am so glad you liked it enough to pimp it ♥♥


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