30 day meme challenge - Day 23, 24 and 25

Apr 09, 2017 14:55

Day 23 - A letter to someone. Anyone.

Man, I had a hard time with this. I really didn't know who to write this letter to. So uh... it ended up being a short one about something that has bothered me for ages.

Dear Supernatural fandom,

Can we please stop involving the actors and writers/ crew into our fandom things? Don't bring up shipping to them, or your dislike about a character you love not appearing enough. I know it's so easy to 'talk' to them these days, with Twitter and the conventions, but really. Fandom things should stay in fandom. Also, the actors don't decide what's going to happen in the story, and you don't need their oppinion to validate your ship. Ship whatever you want, but don't force it onto others. Also, this is a show with only two leads. If your favorite character happens to be not Sam or Dean, you know beforehand that character is not going to be in all the eps. That's just the way it is.

Day 24 - Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

- Supernatural
- Jensen
- food
- my friends
- That I'm tired
- That I should eat better
- Worrying what other people think of me

Day 25 - Would you rather date someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality?

The first one. Someone can be beautiful, but if there's not something to engage with, I'll get bored with that beautiful exterior fast.

Day 21 and 22

meme, about me

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