Nature pictures and tea

Apr 25, 2016 20:48

Took a walk in a close by forrest on Saturday in an attempt to de-stress and to get rid of some of the tiredness I'm still feeling. Took my compact camera with me and shot some pictures.

These blue flowers were everywhere.

A jay bird.

Love small paths like this.

You can't really see it, but there was a lot of hight differences going on here.

Not sure what this is, but it looks like it's made for dirtbikes?

Close-up of the blue/purple flower.

A little Robin.

Also, I totally failed to thank the wonderful people who's send me tea for my collection of teabags. Look at this:

So much tea! \o/ Thank you to darktwinkle, milly_gal and rugzakje. You guys are awesome. <3<3
I'm really starting to notice with trying out differnt teas that I'm not a fan of the minty and sour teas, but love the more warm flavors (like cinnamon). Like today, I tried a tea I got from darktwinkle which was Fortnum & Mason Earl Grey Classic. It was very nummy. <3

photo's, pictures, lj friends, tea, spicspam

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