
Feb 27, 2016 20:25

hugemind was interested in some tea bags/ paper baggie collection pics, so here we go. :)

I've got three maps, of which one is completely filled with just one brand. The biggest brand here in the Netherlands: Pickwick. The other two have all the other brands I have baggies of.

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pictures, picspam, tea

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Comments 23

smalltrolven February 27 2016, 19:27:46 UTC
That is a whole lot of tea! At first I didn't understand it was just the package, I thought you were storing your teabags like that. Which might take up less space in a kitchen than all those boxes now that I think about it, hmmmm.


sillie82 March 2 2016, 20:42:40 UTC
Haha, if I'd store our entire tea collection like this I still wouldn't save any space. :') But yeah, I have quite a big collection. It's fun. :)


amberdreams February 27 2016, 19:40:56 UTC
Oooh so that's what you meant! Ok, now I understand. i'll keep an eye out for anything interesting when I go away places.


sillie82 March 2 2016, 20:44:02 UTC
I had a feeling I hadn't been completely clear with my last post. I glad the pictures helped. That would be great bb. <3


big_heart_june February 27 2016, 19:45:58 UTC
WOW! this is really impressive!! the only tea I drink is strong black tea (usually AH brand or Marks & Spencer) with lots of milk :DD


sillie82 March 2 2016, 20:46:17 UTC
Hee, thanks! And the pictures is just a small selection from the entire collection. I love tea and I like to try different tastes. Downside is that I come across tea I don't really like and then I'm left with an entire box that I won't drink. :') Anyway... I drink my tea with either nothing or a little bit of honey. :)


fub February 27 2016, 20:11:28 UTC
At first I thought you were using them to fold things, but you have built up quite the collection! Looking at those orange tea bags, those are quite some variants. You must have been collecting for a long time!


sillie82 March 2 2016, 20:55:59 UTC
That's actually how it started out. Me and my mom would save all the baggies for arts and crafts, and we've been doing that for years. And then, about 3 years ago I think, I came across someone who collected the bags and I thought that was a pretty fun idea. So I went through all the baggies we collected over the years to pick out one of each to start my own collection. :)


hugemind February 27 2016, 21:14:45 UTC
Oh man, that is awesome! \o/ Also, that's a lot of tea. :D How did you get started?

It's interesting to see how many variants there can be of some teas. Do you get people donating them a lot?


sillie82 March 2 2016, 21:02:22 UTC
Thanks! Those pictures is just a small sellection of the entire collection. My mom and I have been collecting the paper baggies for years to use for arts and crafts. Then about 3 years ago I came across someone who collected the baggies and I thought that was a great idea so I went through our collection to pick out one of each to start my own collection.

It's very interesting. My mom and sisters give baggies to me occasionally, and I have an aunt who collects them too who gives me something occasionally. :)


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