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Comments 8

bflyw January 8 2016, 00:08:13 UTC
Oh Greg! Love Greg! Adore Greg! Probably my all time favorite Character in any show!
"You infected me with mildew?"


sillie82 January 8 2016, 01:12:06 UTC
Ugh, ugh I love him so much. I think I might love Dean just a teeny tiny bit more, but Greg is a very close second. Precious bab. <3<3


amberdreams January 8 2016, 08:09:53 UTC
never really got into CSI, I was more fond of NCIS.


sillie82 January 12 2016, 01:16:06 UTC
I like NCIS, but I never really bonded with any of the characters. CSI grabbed me right away. :)


milly_gal January 8 2016, 10:10:22 UTC
I LOVE Greg, he's such an adorkable goof but actually he's also a sexy bugger when he puts his mind to it!


sillie82 January 12 2016, 01:17:12 UTC
He iiiiiis :D :D


beelikej January 11 2016, 13:21:57 UTC
We totally do! Anytime, bb. *snuggles* (Also season 10, because I keep finding nice screencaps of that) Ahw, the Nick/Greg fandom, it's what brought me to LiveJournal and it gave me a lot of friends, I treasure it. <3


sillie82 January 12 2016, 01:18:17 UTC
The N/G fandom will always have a place in my heart. <3<3


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