Crochetchesters hanging around!

Dec 11, 2015 23:51

Got another Christmas card today! Dear amberdreams, thank you so much for the seriously pretty card, I love it so much! <3<3 (Also, love the calligraphy inside the card. You're so talented! <3)


Want to see some Crochetchesters hanging around? Well, now you can. :P :'3

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sam winchester, supernatural, pictures, fanart: supernatural, holiday cards, dean winchester, crocheting

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Comments 32

amberdreams December 11 2015, 22:55:40 UTC
Oh god they are brilliant!!! Now I'd buy one of those over the stupid expensive Funko Pops any day!:D

Glad you got the card ok - my handwriting is not as good as it used to be - too much typing and not enough wielding of pens these days..!


sillie82 December 11 2015, 23:27:48 UTC
Aww, thank you! So glad you like them. :D

I thought your handwriting looked amazing; I've always wanted to learn calligraphy but I never found the time.


amberdreams December 12 2015, 09:36:06 UTC
We were taught Italic in junior school and I used to try calligraphy scripts for a while, but yeah, now my handwriting has got really bad and I find myself too impatient to write properly!


sillie82 December 13 2015, 02:00:46 UTC
Well, I thought it looked really pretty. <3


quickreaver December 12 2015, 03:56:39 UTC
These are A DELIGHT! They're just so craftsy and fun. :D


sillie82 December 13 2015, 02:01:19 UTC
Thaaank you! <3


milly_gal December 12 2015, 05:24:40 UTC
They are bloody brilliant, like I am smiling SO wide right now!!


sillie82 December 13 2015, 02:01:58 UTC
Thanks bb! :D


beelikej December 12 2015, 08:36:58 UTC
They are so CUTE <3


sillie82 December 13 2015, 02:02:20 UTC
Thanks! :D


hugemind December 12 2015, 09:11:06 UTC
These are seriously adorable and grin-inducing! :D


sillie82 December 13 2015, 02:03:20 UTC
Thank you! So glad you like them. :D


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