
Mar 09, 2015 03:51

Here are some answers to the questions left at this post HERE. You can still ask me something, if you want. :)

supernutjapan wanted to know the following:

What are your five most favorite books?Oh man, hard question. As a kid, I used to read so much, but when the internet entered my life, I kinda switched from reading books to reading fanfic and blogs... So ( Read more... )

youtube, lj friends, questions, about me, favorites, personal, music

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Comments 7

supernutjapan March 9 2015, 03:24:27 UTC
Thank you! My answers are at my comm ;)

I know Matilda well but I hadn't heard of the others. Nice to get some new titles for my shelves - I have an English language school here in Japan so these would be excellent to recommend my students ;)

I'll be taking my time listening to those songs. Thank you for sharing <3

Television is pretty fickle over here too. We get SPN off and on on cable, but not regularly :P

Yay for Spring! Is it there already?

It's still cold over here but pollen is in the air and making all of our noses and eyes itch and run :P


sillie82 March 10 2015, 00:15:41 UTC
The last two books on my list are from Dutch writers, so they might be hard to find. I think the Paul Biegel one did get translated, but I'm not so sure about the Thea Beckman one. The first two though are great, and I'd def. recommend them. :D

Hope you like the music. :D

SPN hasn't been on tv over here in ages. I totally rely on the internet for my fix. :')

Not spring yet, although the weather is def. getting better. Still pretty cold though. Thankfully the pollen don't bother me. Must suck when it does though.


supernutjapan March 10 2015, 00:48:56 UTC
Cool! Thanks again.

I did enjoy the music :D

It was fun to hear another one of Muse's - since I love Supermassive Black Hole.

I especially enjoyed Right Down the Line by Garry Rafferty :D


cassiopeia7 March 9 2015, 03:41:46 UTC
Gerry Rafferty?! ♥ You're maybe the fifth person I've met who knows of him. (I'm stuck between "Right Down the Line" and "Baker Street" as faces, but yeah. Love his style.) :)


sillie82 March 10 2015, 00:21:57 UTC
Heehee, you can thank my dad for that. Music is his big hobby (he collects records and singles and has many, many cd's), and it happens regularly that he's listening to something that makes me go 'I like this. Who is this?'. So yeah. Many, many artist/bands from the 60's and 70's that I adore because of him. :') (Ooh, I really like Baker Street as well, but Right Down the Line wins. It's one of those songs that makes me stop what I'm doing to just really listen to it.)


milly_gal March 9 2015, 07:09:47 UTC
You understood my question perfectly, lol, sorry it came out so vague, I could not think of the proper wording to save my life!

Grissom's Overture and He's a Pirate are both firm faves of mine and the hubby's. He's obsessed with CSI so he was impressed you had that there :D and I love all the ones from CA.

Thank you for taking the time to answer, it means I also get to sit and listen to some really good original music :)

Your fave books and songs gave me a huge grin as well! Matilda is one of my go to books for when I need a moment to myself :)


sillie82 March 10 2015, 00:29:01 UTC
Yay! Haha, that's okay. Me and words don't always agree with each other either, and we figured it out in the end.

I love, love, love CSI. Greg Sanders was my fist 'baby', and one of the characters of one of my first OTP's (I totally ship him with Nick Stokes, btw). But yeah, always adored the music on CSI, so I had to add it. :') Totally obsessed with the Captain America soundtrack, btw. I've listened to it so many times already. XD

Thanks for asking the question! I had fun going through the music, and I'm glad it entertained you too. :D

I adore Matilda. I've read it so many times as a kid. All of Roald Dahls book are gold, but that one really stands out to me.


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