Fandom Fun Meme

Apr 19, 2014 00:22

Nabbed this from dreamsofspike, because it looks like fun ( Read more... )

csi, supernatural, criminal minds, dark angel, meme, the hobbit, csi: miami, fandom

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Comments 6

beelikej April 18 2014, 22:36:32 UTC
Nick Stokes \o/


sillie82 April 18 2014, 23:44:45 UTC
How I feel about this character: Oh Nicky... I love him dearly. When I started watching CSI, he was my favorite character. Then Greg happened, but he's still firmly on the second spot.
My het ship: I don't really have a het ship for Nick.
My fem/slash ship: Nick/ Greg forever and ever amen.
Any OTP: Nick/Greg duh. ;)
My non-romantic ship for this character: Nick and Warrick were totally bff's.
Any unpopular opinions? Uhh... I don't think I have any?
My favourite plot-line for this character: I really like that Nick's become the new entomology person after Grissom left.
Something I wish would/had happened to this character: I guess I would have liked to see more of Nick's resulting trauma of having been buried alive. 'Cause come on, you can't go through something like that and not have trauma.
A crossover ship or interaction I would love to see for this character: I don't knoooow...
A head canon fact: I'm totally convinced Nick's scared of everything woman. Just... yeah. :')


cassiopeia7 April 18 2014, 23:06:50 UTC
Character: Alec McDowell / X5-494. How do you feel about him?
Character: Abaddon. A crossover ship or interaction you would love to see for her.

Fandom: Supernatural. What you would like to see happen next?
Fandom: Dark Angel. Unpopular opinion.


sillie82 April 19 2014, 00:27:59 UTC
Alec McDowell / X5-494. How do you feel about him?
Oh man, Alec... I love him so much. All outward bravado, but there's so much hurt and uncertainty inside. Just... *makes hand motions* I have a lot of Alec related feelings, and I haven't even seen all the episode's he's in.

Abaddon. A crossover ship or interaction you would love to see for her.
Oh jeez... uh... I don't know. I don't really think about crossovers a lot, and although I really like Abaddon, I haven't really thought about her outside of episodes a lot either. Sorry. :/

Supernatural. What you would like to see happen next?Oh man, what I want most of all is for Sam to take care of Dean for once, like Dean has been doing pretty much all his life for Sam. I mean, don't get me wrong, Sam obviously loves Dean a lot so it's not about that. Just... Dean has been running around taking care of everyone except himself, and he's running himself into the ground. So the whole Mark of Cain story line has me very excited because it opens up that possibility for Sam to save Dean ( ... )


kalliel April 18 2014, 23:55:07 UTC


sillie82 April 21 2014, 02:28:58 UTC
How I feel about this character: Oh man. Dean owns my heart. I don't think I've ever loved a fictional character as much as I love Dean. Just... he has crawled so deep into my heart I don't think he'll ever come out. If I see people badmouthing Dean it feels like they're badmouthing me. Just... *hands*
My het ship: Hmm. I don't really have a het ship, but I liked Dean with Lisa. She was there for him when he needed her, and I love her for that.
My fem/slash ship: Sam/Dean. I also like to read the occasional Benny/Dean.
Any OTP: Sam/Dean.
My non-romantic ship for this character: I love, love, love how Charly and Dean are together. Totally bff's. :')
Any unpopular opinions?: I can't really be angry at Dean for what he did to Sam (re Gadreel). Dean has been conditioned since he was 4 to 'save Sam/ take care of Sam' to the point that that's what he is. Making sure Sam is okay is way more important to Dean than his own well being. I think when it comes to Sam, all rational thought goes out the window, and he will do anything he thinks he ( ... )


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