Birthday oh yeah.

Jan 29, 2014 21:23

So my birthday was yesterday, but I didn't get to really do anything because I had to work all day. When you're not used to 9 hour shifts, they're extra tiring. Especially 9 hours without a break, with 25 noisy, loud kids around you. So after diner I crashed and fell asleep on the couch. XD Def. partying it up huh ( Read more... )

photo's, pictures, birthday, gifts

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Comments 6

ullman79 January 30 2014, 12:26:51 UTC
Belated congratulations!

And as a part time vegan and full time vegetarian: those cupcakes are just as good (if not better) than the non-vegan ones? Because I'm always looking for good alternatives!


sillie82 February 1 2014, 01:12:30 UTC
Thank you!

They were pretty damn good, yeah. A tiny bit different in texture, but I hardly noticed the difference, and it was def. not a bad thing. The recipe came from this book: Vegan cupcakes take over the world.


cherie_morte January 31 2014, 08:59:02 UTC
Ooof. You are so much stronger than I for getting through that shift. XD But I am really happy you had a nice birthday celebration over the weekend so that hsaving to work all day wasn't too much of a bummer. It looks like you made quite a haul!! I selfishly hope to see many of the things you crochet out of your new scary crochet book. ^___^


sillie82 February 1 2014, 01:15:43 UTC
God, I was so tired at the end of the day, I'm so glad I don't have to do that every day. Oh, I will def. take pictures if I make something from the scary crochet book. There are some fun things in there. :D


tanisafan January 31 2014, 09:23:22 UTC
Happy belated birthday, I hope it was lovely! Those are some great presents, and the cupcakes look DELICIOUS. (ps: passing out on the couch for your birthday actually sounds dreamy to me, personally, haha!)



sillie82 February 1 2014, 01:16:48 UTC
Haha, thanks! :D


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