Sketch A Day, days 1 - 16

Jan 19, 2014 16:11

So I got myself this little book: One Sketch A Day, because I've been in a bit of an art-slump for coming up 2 years now, and I really want to break it. Being kind of 'forced' to sketch something at least once every day seemed like a good way to do that ( Read more... )

creative, aidan turner, pictures, art, sketch a day, animals, drawings

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Comments 9

cassiopeia7 January 19 2014, 16:24:31 UTC
Oooh, lovely! That gorgeous eye and the splendid baby duck are my personal favorites, but I'm really drawn to your crow (raven?) -- you'll see why once my second RBB is posted. ;)

I wish I had the discipline to do a sketch a day . . .


sillie82 January 20 2014, 20:43:16 UTC
Thanks! I really can't wait to see your art posted. ;D

Heh, we'll have to wait and see if I can keep this up... :')


borgmama1of5 January 19 2014, 16:28:49 UTC
Wow, you draw so many different styles!

I love the eye (who's is it, I wonder) and Legolas!


sillie82 January 20 2014, 20:45:39 UTC
Thanks for your comment. Glad you like it. :D (Hee, I don't actually know who's eye that is. I found a picture on the interwebz and used that as reference.)


darktwinkle January 20 2014, 00:12:12 UTC
That's a great project also some great sketches, I especially love the eye :)

How do you decide what to draw? I sometimes find when I want to sketch I spend half my time trying to decide on what to draw then when I finally do I can't be bothered any more ^^

Good luck with your sketch-a-day!


sillie82 January 20 2014, 20:48:16 UTC

Heh, that's proving to be my biggest problem, actually. Right now I'm two days behind because I don't know what to draw. Hopefully I'll get inspired by something tonight, 'cause I really need to catch up. :')

Thank you! I'll need it. XD


darktwinkle January 20 2014, 23:36:10 UTC
I suppose when all else fails you could try the 'look to the left, draw something you see' or get someone to tell you what to draw/give suggestions :)


sillie82 January 24 2014, 23:24:37 UTC
Oooh, those are both good ones. I'll keep them in mind when I can't think of anything. :D


(The comment has been removed)

sillie82 January 24 2014, 23:25:06 UTC


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