Spn_J2_BigBang: Wolf Like Me

Jun 28, 2013 13:36

Fic title: Wolf Like Me
Author name: happysgolucky
Artist name: sillie82
Genre: rps, au
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Word count: 29,993
Summary: Werewolves and humans don't usually mix, but there are rare times when mates are found among the human population. Jared is a cocky alpha destined to take over when his father retires. He isn't interested in finding a ( Read more... )

jared padalecki, icons, jensen ackles, bigbang, fanart

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Comments 63

jonjokeat June 28 2013, 17:00:18 UTC
Fantastic art :D I especially love the wolves.


sillie82 June 28 2013, 19:11:16 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you like it. Thanks for commenting.

(Oh, also.. I added in another drawing if you're interested. :) )


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sillie82 June 28 2013, 19:11:47 UTC

(I've added in another drawing if you're interested. :D)


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sillie82 June 28 2013, 22:56:32 UTC
Thanks! I love pencil work. I'm glad you like it! :D

Haha, yeah. Both boys have pretty difficult faces to draw. Hang in there, you'll manage eventually!

Thank you! <3


confuzed June 28 2013, 17:46:07 UTC
You are super talented!! These are so dazzling. My favorite is the wolves..


sillie82 June 28 2013, 19:12:30 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm so glad you like it. Thanks for commenting. :D

(Also, I've added in another drawing if you're interested.)


confuzed June 28 2013, 21:03:05 UTC
Why yes I just took a gander at it...YUM!!!


sillie82 June 28 2013, 22:56:53 UTC
Haha, glad you like! :D


equally_dour June 28 2013, 20:57:12 UTC
Beautiful work!


sillie82 June 28 2013, 22:57:31 UTC
Thank you!


cassiopeia7 June 28 2013, 21:28:08 UTC
Your wolves are incredibly beautiful! (The humans ain't bad, either -- the sparkle and life you've imbued in their eyes is just glorious.)

Jensen's expression in the final piece is just plain HOT. I'm surprised the paint's nt melting off the walls there. Brava, you! \o/


sillie82 June 28 2013, 22:59:56 UTC
Aww, thank you! I had a lot of fun drawing/painting them. (Heehee. I absolutely adore drawing eyes, so that might be why. :') )

XD Thank you, thank you! *bows* I'm so happy you like it. :D


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