So, if you've got some positive energy to share...

Feb 15, 2011 04:22

* So. I know I've not been posting and commenting much, and I feel really bad about that. I have been reading my flist though, so even though I didn't comment, I probably did see your post ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

carolinecrane February 15 2011, 03:45:26 UTC
Oh, no. I have been there and it's terrifying. I will keep you all in my thoughts.


sillie82 February 16 2011, 00:59:16 UTC
It is. I'm trying not to dwell on it to long, and focus on the positive. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it up once the treatment starts. Thanks. :)


cha February 15 2011, 04:28:54 UTC
I'm so glad your card arrived. Sorry to hear about you Mom but - wow - if that procedure is that good it sounds like she'll be back to normal in no time!

Love the new drawing...


sillie82 February 16 2011, 01:08:09 UTC
Maybe not in no time, but she should eventually pretty much be back to normal, yeah. :) That's what we're hoping for, at least.

Thanks. Hopefully I'll have it finished soon. :)


aprilmay430 February 15 2011, 05:52:29 UTC
Sending lots of positive thoughts to you and your mom. *hugs*


sillie82 February 16 2011, 01:09:41 UTC
Thanks. *hugs back*


damanique February 15 2011, 08:18:19 UTC
Lots of strength to your mom, you and the rest of your family. *hugs*


sillie82 February 16 2011, 01:09:54 UTC
Thank you. :)


bflyw February 15 2011, 10:04:13 UTC
Hope your mom will get well as soon as humanly possible! It's totally understandable that your thoughts are everywhere!

Congrats on your wacom board! I have a wacom board but haven't used it much. It kept crashing my PC all the time. Apparently my stationary can take it though, so I have plugged it in there - problem is I don't use my stationary that much. It seems like everyone else makes it look so easy to use a wacom, I really don't think so. Whenever I use it it looks like a 3 year old is drawing. When I use a touch pad though, I can do pretty I am weird.

The drawing is stunning - as always!


sillie82 February 16 2011, 01:22:01 UTC
*hugs back*

Thank you. I've been reading your entries, so I know you're hitting a rough spot as well. Here's for hoping you'll feel better soon as well.

Thank you! Do you know what kind of Wacom you have? I've worked with a Graphire 2 and 4 (the four is the one that's at our desktop computer), and they work(ed) pretty nice. It does take some getting used to, though. This one is a little more expensive, but you can def. notice the quality difference. In my oppinion, this one is easier to use.


Thank you! I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the week, maybe even earlier. Then I can start on Dean. \o/


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