Fandom weekend

Mar 01, 2010 19:53

As I mentioned, I spend my weekend over at beelikej for a fangirl weekend. I arrived friday night, and we watched the movie Overboard.

Saturday we spend the day watching the CSI s10 episodes I hadn't seen yet (minus two episodes), an episode of Gilmore girls with baby!Jared, the movie Ten Inch Hero with Priestly!Jensen beelikej hadn't seen yet, and some episodes ( Read more... )

friends, supernatural, pictures, jensen ackles, birthday wishes, drawings, jus in bello convention, lj message board, manga, fandom, csi marathon

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Comments 5

beelikej March 1 2010, 21:36:13 UTC
Oh, this version of the drawing definitely does more justice to the pencil base. The colours are not as destracting and the special effects in the background are better noticable. I approve \o/

Thanks for those links to the manga-information, especially that BluManga site seems like a good source to learn more about the genre.


sillie82 March 5 2010, 14:35:11 UTC
Awesome. \o/

You're welcome. :D


bflyw March 5 2010, 18:38:12 UTC
I read this post on the day you posted, but I didn't comment because I had too much headaches that day to to much commenting.
Just want to say now though: GREAT PICTURE! You are going to have it signed, right? I guess that's the idea. They are going to love signing that so much!


sillie82 March 5 2010, 18:46:26 UTC
Yikes. Hope you're feeling better now.

Thank you! Yes, I was planning to let at least the two J's sign it. I haven't decided yet if I want everyone to sign that picture, or if I'll bring something else... I hope they love it. :D


bflyw March 5 2010, 18:58:37 UTC
Of course they love it! It is brilliant!

I only have one drawing of them each - which you know was my first portrait drawings I ever did. But I'll have them signed. I think it's great though, because those drawings means so much for me. It was the drawing I did while waiting for get into the psych.evaluation (and eventually therapy), and it was what I used to ground me those days when I was furtest down or most anxious. So for me personally, those drawings are a victory. And then have them signed by the people I drew are just.... great! I have no words!


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