
Dec 09, 2009 20:23

* So, here I am, live from my new laptop. :3 Still a bit weird and scary, but it's awesome I can go online whenever I want. :D

* Thank you all so much to the persons who gave me snowflake cookies for on my info page. They look awesome, and it's nice to feel remembered. Also, thanks to the anonymous person who gifted me with snowflakes. <3 ( Read more... )

mail, friends, shopping, holiday cards, computer, gifts

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Comments 8

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sillie82 December 9 2009, 23:56:41 UTC
Hey hey, rustig aan hoor. Ik weet hoe druk het leven ineens kan zijn. Heb trouwens je brief gekregen, zal proberen zo snel mogelijk terug te schrijven.

Heb een HP Pavilion DV7-3030ed gekocht. :3

Dank je! :D


beelikej December 9 2009, 21:59:18 UTC
I haven't even started on my Christmascards yet. Oops.

Thanks for the snowflake!

Ooooh, Muse. Niiiice. Ahahahahaha "Christmas Cottage". Oh dear.

I'm doing fine, still very busy at work and will be right up to the holidays. I'm counting down to Christmas;)


sillie82 December 10 2009, 00:00:49 UTC
Heh. I'm always early because I've always have a lot of work on them. :3

You're very welcome.

I know right? Their new song 'Uprising' is pretty much constantly in my head. Aaahaha, I had to laugh so hard when I got it out of the wrapping. Such a bad movie. Jared looks cute though. :'3

Ah, busy times. Watch out you won't overwork yourself. :)


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beelikej December 9 2009, 22:43:13 UTC
*butting in* Sinterklaas is the basis for the North American figure of Santa Claus. You can read up on the history here.
What we do is not unlike Christmas, except the presents are accompanied by poems and surprise/gag gifts to remember/make fun of events in the past year. If you're curious, here are pictures of the sint-celebrations of my family in the past years.


sillie82 December 10 2009, 00:01:55 UTC
Can't really explain it better then beelikej did, so... what she said. :'3


tanisafan December 9 2009, 23:00:42 UTC
Thanks for the snowflake, dear! That totally made my day <3! *smish*

How's the new laptop treating you? It's deeply awesome, I presume?

Sint brought me caaaaandy. I am nomming it now!


sillie82 December 10 2009, 00:04:18 UTC
You're very welcome. :3

For now, he's treating me well. A bit weird still, but awesome, yes. :D

Yum yum!


darktwinkle December 11 2009, 14:37:23 UTC
Yay I'm glad you got it, hope you like :)


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