Supernatural/ J2 BigBang 2009: Art for 'The Texas Resistance'

Jul 27, 2009 10:58

It's time for more spn_j2_bigbang art! \o/ This time for the second story I claimed; The Texas Resistance, by the wonderful pigeongirl99. Bb, I had a blast making art for this story, and I hope you liked working with me. :3

Alright, art-time. Click on the pictures to see them bigger (and yes, they're once again fairly ginormous :'3). Forward!

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jared padalecki, jeffrey dean morgan, supernatural, jensen ackles, bigbang, fanart

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Comments 25

mystic_reader July 31 2009, 03:19:09 UTC
I always love your style of drawing, but I especially love that last one of Jared.
And these are gorgeous as always!


sillie82 July 31 2009, 09:30:37 UTC
Thank you, glad you like it. :3


runedgirl July 31 2009, 03:27:44 UTC
You know how much I adore your art (your icon from our last year's big bang is still my favorite to use, it makes me smile with its gorgeousness) -- I've only read a couple big bangs, life has been crazy, but these drawings are beautiful. As much as you know I'm a Jensen girl, I LOVE the one of John reclining, such a knowing smile, such a sexy expression. You capture so much emotion in your art. I hope you'll keep doing big bang, your art really enriches the stories and I feel so very lucky to have worked with you.


sillie82 July 31 2009, 09:31:37 UTC
Awww, thank you. <3


serenity151979 August 3 2009, 18:31:28 UTC
I've come to this so late and for that I apologise (there have been some health issues, I may make a post about it in my lj - I haven't decided yet) but OMG, these arts are amazing. I love them all but I'm especially taken with the Jared. And I don't normally like J3 but that bed pic is adorable.


sillie82 August 12 2009, 14:28:53 UTC
Thank you. :3

(Health issues? Not to bad I hope?)


serenity151979 August 12 2009, 17:21:45 UTC
Heh, nothing that's going to 'finish me off' anyway, but just more frustration and stuff. I kind of get squicky about posting in my lj about it because I don't want people to think I'm attention seeking or anything, you know? Sometimes it feels like all I do is complain, lol.


Pretty:) marlowe6468 August 4 2009, 22:14:59 UTC
Oh, very pretty:) You've completly brought the fic to life - I adore the icons!!!
Very nice:)


Re: Pretty:) sillie82 August 12 2009, 14:29:12 UTC
Aww, thank you. :3


wendy August 28 2009, 19:23:07 UTC
Wow, these are so gorgeous! I especially love Jared's hair and I can't get over how much Jeff looks like JEFF. Awesome work.

Thank you so much for your time on this project!


sillie82 August 28 2009, 19:30:45 UTC
Aww, thank you. :3 <3


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