I think my wallet is still hurting...

Jul 02, 2009 18:24

Went shopping in Amsterdam with my youngest sister yesterday. Apart from the fact that it was freaking hot, we had fun. And bought way to much, but all fun stuff. :'3

My haul, let me show it to you )

shopping, csi, pictures, hair

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Comments 14

boy_ish July 2 2009, 17:34:43 UTC
Oh man, and that reminds me why I did not buy any of those 'graphic novels' when I had the chance. The characters just look gross! Nick is especially frightening. Also it's pretty obvious, especially in the 4th frame, that the illustrator used frames from the TV show as reference. That one is from "Inside the Box" when Nick's eating and asking his question about fortune cookies.


sillie82 July 4 2009, 15:52:35 UTC
Heh, I know right? When I saw that frame, I immediately recognized it. :'3 These drawings always make me think that I could do it better. X3 I kinda hate the dramatic shading. :P


darktwinkle July 2 2009, 17:36:10 UTC
I might be willing to take Hellsing off your hands, if it's in English, I haven't bought that far yet, I just don't get to the shops like I used to :)


sillie82 July 4 2009, 15:53:53 UTC
It's in English yeah, and that would be awesome. What's your email address? So we can work out the details. :3


darktwinkle July 4 2009, 16:52:59 UTC
My email address is 'livindeadgirl13 @ hotmail . com' obviously without the spaces :)


sillie82 July 4 2009, 19:30:34 UTC
Saaank you! *goes to email you*


blackbirdj2 July 2 2009, 17:48:05 UTC
I approve a lot of the Beatles mug!!! :D ♥


sillie82 July 4 2009, 15:55:15 UTC
Isn't it awesome? The shop I had it from had all kinds. <3


beelikej July 2 2009, 18:20:56 UTC
I was gonna comment the exact same thing as boy_ish! The Fortune Cookie scene is not the only facial expression I recognize. Although I like that it's Nick and Greg doing the flirty they do so well, if I didn't notice the likeness to stills, I wouldn't even know it was them. Those pictures are embarrassing.

So do you use just the sticks to keep your hair up? Or are they for decoration? Eitherway I like 'm:)


sillie82 July 4 2009, 15:58:09 UTC
I know right? But I was very amused that the flirty-ness has even penetrated (Hah) the graphic novel. The Love can't be denied! XD

Yes, yes, I'm using them to keep my hair up. If I pull them out, the up-do comes down with it. :'3 Saank you. :D


beelikej July 4 2009, 17:34:51 UTC
That is amazing! You have to tell me how you make those sticks work. Bring 'm with you to demonstrate, okay? I want to try that.

You said penetrate. *grins*


sillie82 July 4 2009, 19:29:50 UTC
They're awesome. I'll take them with me. :3

I know, I'm so immature. XDXD


daniforblue July 2 2009, 18:55:55 UTC
You are right. They can´t draw Greg. Such a shame. *shakes head in frustration*


sillie82 July 4 2009, 15:58:57 UTC
*grumps* It is. *sadface*


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