Okay, now I'm scared.

May 09, 2008 20:55

Ow. Freaking ow. There's this really annoying pain between my shoulder blades that's been nagging all day. Plus, when I move my arms a certain way, my shoulders make cracking noises. O.o


Supernatural 3x15, first reaction )

squee, sam winchester, youtube, supernatural, dean winchester, bigbang, ow

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Comments 12

beelikej May 9 2008, 20:01:52 UTC
Dude, are you growing wings? That would be so cool:) *hugs carefully*

What is this SuperNatural you speak of? Personally I'm looking forward to watch the new CSI :-p (Okay, maaaaaaaaybe I'll keep an eye on the SPfanfic;)


sillie82 May 9 2008, 20:07:58 UTC
Heh. I'm getting a bit suspicious though. *tries to look over shoulder*

:P Well, I'll just have to wait and see your reaction to the new CSI, seeing as all the CSI communities I'm on are seriously lacking on giving me info. *pouts*

Also! I seriously suck at sending emails. We need to plan if we want to do something on the 17th. :'3


beelikej May 9 2008, 20:18:00 UTC
*kisses your icon*

Are you up to date with the US-schedule? Without spoiling I can say I've been reasonably satisfied with this season so far.

Hey, I could have mailed too. I had planned to do so on Sunday (I'm out of town Saturday) I was thinking we should do Amsterdam, but maybe add something silly, like a tour on the canal or Mme Tussaud's (or another museum *innocent look*;)


sillie82 May 9 2008, 20:34:41 UTC
*pets Gay-from-space!George* :'3

Sadly, I'm not up to the US-schedule. The last one I saw was with the bull-riding. *sadface* But I'm glad to hear you are satisfied. :)

Heh. Amsterdam with something silly sounds good to me. (Heee, which museum did you have in mind? )



redfairie19 May 9 2008, 20:30:55 UTC
I was totally thinking about Sam's "will-do-anything" attitude last night. If the situation were reversed, do you think that Dean would suggest something like that to Sam? Because for some reason, I don't. Not that he doesn't love him just as much or anything, just that Sam is desperate in a way that only a little brother could be. Does that make sense?


sillie82 May 9 2008, 20:39:48 UTC
Heh, yeah, I get what you're saying. And I think you could be right. I don't see Dean suggesting something like that. I must admit Sam is scaring me a bit at the moment, but I get where he's coming from. A little.

*clings to Dean*


redfairie19 May 9 2008, 20:47:40 UTC
I get it too. But its still a definite yes to the scary. Honestly, I've been a bit scared of Sam since he shot the crossroads demon.



sillie82 May 9 2008, 20:53:53 UTC
Yes, very much with the scary. You can just feel the desperation coming off him in waves, and it makes him unpredictable. *shivers with you* SAMMY-FACE! D:


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