Come on baby...

Aug 18, 2006 15:56

Two birthdays today! So a happy birthday to both goldatamera and flipflopadd1ct! *throws confetti and glitter* I hope you both will have an awesome day. :D ( Read more... )

csi, greg sanders, nick stokes, birthday wishes, fanfic

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Comments 35

michigangirl30 August 18 2006, 14:48:29 UTC
Bwa! A little mean? Girl, that's evil! I want to know what the heck would embarrass Greg so much. :D



sillie82 August 18 2006, 14:54:07 UTC
Heh, sorry! I want to know what the heck it was just as much as you, but they won't tell meeeee... ::weepz::


Heee!! :'3


kennedy_unknown August 18 2006, 14:52:30 UTC
Aargh! I didn't know you were going to do this to me when I gave the prompt! I liked it though...


sillie82 August 18 2006, 14:56:10 UTC
Hee, sorry. I've pleaded with the boys, but Greg's to embarrassed, and Nick doesn't want to sleep on the couch for a week, so they're not telling... ::weepz::

Anyway, glad you liked. It was fun to write. :D


redfairie19 August 18 2006, 15:29:44 UTC
First, boooo to you leaving us hanging like that.

Second, that was adorable. Perfectly fluffly and sweet and very in character. And for Nick's birthday. *g* Love it.


sillie82 August 18 2006, 15:57:44 UTC
Eep, sorry! *offers chocolate* I begged and pleaded with the boys, but they wouldn't tell me. *looks sad*

Hee, thanks. Glad you liked it. :D


kingofgeeks August 18 2006, 15:31:16 UTC
babypictures. I bet 10$ it's nekkid babypictures.


sillie82 August 18 2006, 15:58:21 UTC
Heh, could be. Who knows. :'3


(The comment has been removed)

sillie82 August 18 2006, 18:16:53 UTC
Thanks. Heh, en vrolijk is goed. *nods*


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