Damn Those Eyes

Aug 04, 2006 13:10

Title: Damn Those Eyes
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Nick/Greg (who else? XD)
Claim and Prompt: Eyes, 033: Song!fic
Notes: This really came out of nowhere. One minute I'm reading the lyrics to this song, the next I need to write. A big thanks to my wonderful beta's ullman79 and aprilmay430. ::snugs::
Written for wordclaim50

Summary: You can’t forget the pain and despair in Greg’s eyes ( Read more... )

csi, greg sanders, nick stokes, fanfic

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sillie82 August 4 2006, 19:12:17 UTC
Heh, yeah.

Uhuh. His eyes kill me every time. ::gushes::


tanisafan August 4 2006, 17:13:20 UTC
Ohh *bites lip to stop herself from crying*. Poor Greg! I always think that he seems so delicate, his heart probably bruises easily.
But the ending... yay!

Oh and I love your style. You write beautifully!


sillie82 August 4 2006, 19:16:26 UTC
Yeah. He put up this front of always being happy, but sometimes it look like he's laughing away his hurt. Or tries to at least. ::huggles Greggo::

Thanks. ::blushes:: :3


_slytherin_girl August 4 2006, 17:51:40 UTC
You don't know how excited I was to see that you wrote something. I've always enjoyed your Nick and Greg. This is no exception.


sillie82 August 4 2006, 19:19:02 UTC
Thanks. ::blushes:: =^_^=


0creativity August 4 2006, 18:46:33 UTC
Very, very nice :D


sillie82 August 4 2006, 19:20:17 UTC
Thanks :D


kiwistrawberry7 August 4 2006, 21:55:03 UTC
UGH! I love this! It's such a beautiful story.


sillie82 August 4 2006, 23:43:19 UTC
Thanks :3


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