Caelum Week 3 - The Parker Family

Aug 14, 2011 22:35

So I had this nifty little introduction to my update, telling you guys how I'm using it to procrastinate writing my seminar paper (which I really have to finish soon as I want to do my teaching practise next semester and I need this paper marked before I can apply for it -.-) but then I accidently shut down my PC instead of putting it on stand by and all was lost...

Ah well, never mind that rambling above, because all it tells you is a) I'm procrastinating and b) I've got an update! ^^


Having a baby and being a Family Sim has made Darwin realize how much he wants a family. Although he really likes Seth he nows that the vampire is not exactly the right choice to start a family with.

Enter August "Auggy" Bradford!
Darwin met her one fine morning when she was waking by his house. It's quite safe to say that it was love on first sight! ;)

He even invited Auggy to his son's birthday party! Unfortunately she prooved to be a little bit distracting and Darwin almost missed Giles turning into a sweet little toddler!

After seening how great Auggy and Nephthys get along, Darwin asked her to stay overnight, which she did ;)

Romantic dancing in the rain, surrounded by fireflies included! ^^

Darwin is such a good father, and Giles an adorable little guy! ^^

Darwin invited Auggy over because he has a plan! A plan consisting of falling down on one knee and asking Auggy the become his wife!

Whether it was the shining ring or Darwin's hopeful eyes we'll never know, but Auggy said yes!
She also decided to move in to be able to spend more time with her fiancé!

So here she is, August "Auggy" Bradford, a Sagittarious (2/3/9/7/4) with the Knowledge/Family aspiration. Auggy dreams of becoming the hand of Poseidon, she loves hats and alienism and is not very fond of robots.

Auggy couldn't have a better LTW, seeing as Darwin already has a pond and I already had planned to use him as the one and only to unlock the oceonography career, but now she's the luck one. Naturally Auggy instantly starts to practice her fishing skills. More or less successfully, might be added! ;)

Auggy also brought some money with her (9,000§ cash and some objects worth about 10,000§) and because Darwin's little house is a little bit too small to raise a family in it they decided to add a second floor!

Giles spam! ^^

Look who's pregnant!

Auggy loves to spend time with Giles! I think it's safe to say that she has fallen in love with the little guy!

It's already time for Giles birthday. Only Nephthys is invited over, because Seth can't leave his house during the daytime. I think Giles is going to be quite the looker once he grows up!

Nephthys and Giles get along well, and really enjoy spending time together, making Darwin one happy father! ^^

Auggy had her second POP and she's huge! oO

Darwin and Auggy decided that they want to get married before their little one is born, so they call up Caelum's who is who and celebrate a beautiful wedding in their garden. ^^

Smearing the new husbands face with cake naturally included!

Let's end this update with their last peaceful night before their baby will be born...

bacc, week 3, caelum

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