Caelum Week 2 - The Wilder Family

Jun 23, 2011 15:41

Time for another update! Took me longer than I thought it would, blame the University for it… but on the bright side, there is only one more week to go until my summer holidays start! YAY! ^^
Also, Week 1's pics should be up again after the 24th, my bandwith has run out but should be restored soon.

Just a warning before we start, prepare for cuteness! ;-)


Let’s take a look were we left of, Mara is still pregnant and Aemon is still one of the cutest toddlers to ever have walked on SimEarth...

Rose also is still very much pregnant. And she has been thinking allot in last time. The house will be pretty full with three adults and soon to be three children. And nobody can say how many more children Mara and Caleb will have...

As soon as Caleb comes home from work, Rose calls a taxi for herself. She has made a decision. She is going to move out and built a little house for herself and her baby. Her brother whispers his goodbye in her ear before the taxi arrives and Rose moves out.

Now that Rose has moved out her old room is refurnished and used as a nursery/kids room. The perfect place to teach Aemon his very first words.

Behold the cuteness that is Aemon! (Sorry couldn’t resist the picspam…)

In the middle of the night little Janos is born. Like his brother Aemon he has his daddy’s eyes and hair colour and his mommy’s skin tone.

Mara still regularly practices her witchcraft after all there is so much to learn...

As soon as Mara had heard about the robbery in Ayazo’s house she decided to go on a nightly patrol, it was always her dream to be in the law enforcement and now seems like the opportunity has finally arrived. Mara loves her new job, she even starts rope skipping in the middle of the night because she is still so so thrilled and exited after returning home.

With her husband at work there is nobody to stop her from greeting Ayazo in the typical way of cheating Caelum inhabitants. Ayazo seems a little down though, the theft of his rug still bothers him very much, but Mara knows how to make him smile again...

In the evening it is time for Aemon’s birthday, which is celebrated with a little party.
With Aemon being a child now, a slot in the Educational career is opened for somebody in the town :-)

Little Aemon is still very close to his aunt Rose. He has missed her terribly and is really happy that she came over for his birthday.

Ayazo though, has still a troubled mind, but whether he feels bad for having an affair with his friend’s wife or if he still is troubled by the burglary is unknown.

Mara got accepted into Police Acadamy but her working hours have to change because of that. Being a Family Sim, Caleb decides to quit his job and stay at home with the kids.

Aemon is glued to the telescope almost every free minute of the day and night. He also likes gardening in his pyjamas in the middle of the night, like every true citizen of Caelum!

Oh how time flies by, it is already time for Janos birthday! This time only the family is present when baby Janos grows up into a cute little toddler!

The daily routine in the Wilder household consists of Aemon making his homework or playing with his toy horse, Caleb teaching Janos his toddler skills and Mara skipping the rope.
Also, look at those cute little elf-ears Janos has! ^^

I’m not sure how Aemon manages to see a cactus in a neighbourhood full with conifers and leaf trees but he manages it...
Aemon is also the Sim with the most neat points in the house, so he is constantly scrubbing the kitchen and making the beds.

Janos is one of the happiest and cutest toddlers ever! ^^

Mara has reached a temporary high on her witchcraft resulting in her going all sparkly for a whole day, during which she proofed that she does love her husband and that she is a really good mum.

Marawyn has successfully finished the Police Academy and now is a patrol officer! Yay! ^^
These late working hours unfortunately mean that Mara cannot spent as much time with her chilodren as she wants to...

To end this update with more cuteness, above some more picspam of Aemon and Janos :-)

Not very wordy this update, is it?
I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless! ^^

week 2, bacc, caelum

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