
Nov 04, 2007 00:52

Unplanned meetings was always a bit of a thrill for him, particularly if they were likely to involve one of two things- sex or blood, or better...both. Still Arthur was interesting enough, in the sense that the boy had Percy's attention, and so long as that lasted, he was going to remain safely alive ( Read more... )

usa, 2007, new york, arthur, rp

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le_gamin November 4 2007, 19:06:16 UTC
Arthur opened his mouth wide in a yawn. A half a night’s work of unfulfilling sex acts with mediocre clients had left him tired, but not too tired to go round to this supposed vampire‘s place. If anything he was more excited about meeting someone he was actually interested in. Very interested in. One could say ‘intrigued’ even. Leaning his head against the door of the taxi, he closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again, he found himself to be at his destination and about fifteen dollars poorer.

Vaulting himself out of the cab, he scurried quickly towards the address the man had given him, knocked on the door, and began hopping up and down in an effort to warm himself. It was freezing out. And as tightly as he pulled his coat around himself, it wasn’t going to help that fact that he wasn’t technically wearing any trousers, just a pair of shorts that were far too short to probably be menswear.


le_gamin November 5 2007, 03:03:12 UTC
Arthur smirked wordlessly. Putting the bottle down, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor without ceremony. He pulled Percy tight against him, letting him feel for himself how hard he was beginning to get for him, before letting his hand slip up his back to snarl in his hair, holding the other man’s head in place as he kissed it deeply and hungrily.

It takes a lot, but he finally manages to pull himself from Percy, to take his mouth from his and look down into his eyes. ‘Let’s get you into bed.’


silenziosa_odio November 5 2007, 03:24:42 UTC
Percy pulled away enough to make sure there was nothing in danger of thumping over, before he turned and led the way out of the kitchen. His room was in the back of the flat, where it needed to be. And with a flick of a lamp cord, the room was bathed in a soft, yellow light, revealing the heavy curtains that blocked the windows, and a large, comfortable looking bed.

Picking his way around a clutter of clothing, Percy plopped down on the bed and bounced a little. Almost child like...almost.

"Here is the bed," And he was more than ready for another one of those kisses. Never could remember what it was like to be lonely until you had company.


le_gamin November 5 2007, 04:43:33 UTC
‘Yes, it is! You mean to tell me you sleep in this big bed all alone? Don’t share it with anybody?’ Arthur took off one shoe and then, after a few short hops around to keep from losing his balance, the other. ‘You spoil yourself.’

Taking his shorts down, he kicked them into some far corner of the room and then posed at the edge of the bed, putting on knee on the mattress and his hands on his hips. ‘Oooh, we are going to have fun tonight’ he purred ‘It is a good thing you sleep in the day, Mr. Vampire.’ He let himself fall onto the bed, melting over the deceptively childlike man that was occupying it, peppering his face with kisses.


silenziosa_odio November 5 2007, 04:59:40 UTC
"Most of the time, no one cares to share the bed." Percy reasoned, watching the boy undress and prance over to the bed. "Spoil myself? Who else should I be spoiling?"

But whatever else he would have asked was forgotten, the idea that he was going to be busy more than keeping his attention as he tugged at the buttons of his own shirt, his trousers becoming rather uncomfortable.

"So long as you don't mind sleeping the day away, you shant here complaint from me." He murmured in reply to the 'sleep in the day' comment, hands sliding over Arthur's smooth skin.


le_gamin November 5 2007, 05:21:19 UTC
‘No one, my little cabbage. But when is as beautiful as you, it isn’t nice to be greedy. You should share yourself.’

Arthur took it upon himself to undo the other man’s trousers, yanking them down his legs in one smooth yet hastily violent motion. Observing what had been causing the man some slight discomfort, he quirked an eyebrow as he looked down at Percy with a smirk. ‘Well, at least it still works.’

Covering Percy’s body with his own, he kissed his lips once more before moving over to nibble his earlobe gently. ‘You’ve tasted me,’ he whispered ‘Let me taste you.’

Leaving a trail of kisses down the other man’s pale, slender body, he arrives finally at his cock, which he proceeds to caress softly with his lips. He gave a few long licks up the shaft before opening wide to take the whole of it into his mouth.


silenziosa_odio November 5 2007, 05:43:01 UTC
Percy made a face at the name, bit back a growl of disproval. Instead he focused on the fact that Arthur had, effectively, undressed him...

"Where you afraid it wouldn't?" He remarked somewhat skeptically. As if he was unsure if he needed to defend his manhood or not. But then there were kisses again, and touching that lead to more interesting things.

He made a little noise that was something akin to a moan when Arthur's tongue began its work, before those lips replaced it. And he smiled, somewhat awkwardly but a smile none the less. "yesss" he hissed softly, a hand reaching down to run through Arthur's hair as his head fell back a little.


le_gamin November 7 2007, 00:48:41 UTC
The fingers running over his scalp were nice, but he didn’t need them. No other touch pleased him more than the ones he was performing on Percy, his long fingers tracing his slim hips; nothing gave him greater pleasure than the giving off it. He kept his mouth open in a elegantly curved oval, lips swelling gently outward, just like they taught him in children’s choir (its only leftover of his half-Catholic upbringing that he finds any use for in his current life). Rippling his tongue against the flesh, he began to move his head slowly, relaxing the back of his throat to take more of him in.


silenziosa_odio November 7 2007, 01:16:12 UTC
Percy moaned a little, smiling as he let his fingers curl and twist about in Arthur's hair gently. He hadn't shared this experience in quite a long time, but then Percy hadn't given into his sexual desires in a long time either.

As Arthur worked his talented, and wholly desirable mouth over Percy's stiff, warm flesh, the Vampire's hips started to rock slowly, with each passing moment. As desire and need started to mount slowly.


le_gamin November 7 2007, 02:37:10 UTC
Arthur glanced up at Percy, his blue eyes taking on a delightedly wicked cast when they see a smile curling on the vampire’s lovely lips. After a few moments of deep throating, he pulled Percy almost all the way out of his mouth, concentrating the sinuous lashings of his tongue on the sensitive cockhead while working his hand in gently twisting movement over the shaft.

‘Do you want me to make you come now?’ he murmured, pausing to lap at the stiff rosy flesh ‘Or would you prefer to save it?’


silenziosa_odio November 7 2007, 03:03:15 UTC
"Save it," Percy murmured, content to draw it out as long as he could. There was a bit of 'waste not, want not' thought behind that. He pulled his hand back, smiling at Arthur in a hungry fashion that was all together different from craving blood.

"We have time..." Which was more than true. They had all night to find an end to their meeting, and night could be particularly long.


le_gamin November 7 2007, 04:09:59 UTC
Arthur grined, dropping one last kiss on Percy's cock before licking and sucking his way back up his body. After looking into his eyes for a few moments, he gave him another long kiss on the lips, before rolling over on his back. He flexed slightly, presenting his body to Percy, attempting to pose in a tempting manner.

'Do whatever you like to me. Explore.'


silenziosa_odio November 8 2007, 06:00:09 UTC
Percy had to bite back the urge to nip at the skin laid bare before him. It wasn't that nipping couldn't provide pleasure (as it could), it was more, or less...that it wouldn't stop at innocent nips. Sliding across the boy, Percy let his hands slide slowly across the warm, soft flesh. His eyes traced the curves of the boy's body, studying it...committing it to memory.

It wasn't the Percy didn't know what he was doing. He was, in all actuality, quite skilled...It was only that it was such a rare occurrence that he had to familiarize his fingers again. But with each passing moment, a smile grew on his lips.

Nimble fingers found Arthur's stiff manhood without trouble as the vampire lowered his lips the boy's chest. As his hand began to stroke, Percy littered soft, feathery kisses over Arthur, tongue curling around one nipple for a time before the slow, seductive path began again.


le_gamin November 13 2007, 02:27:50 UTC
Arthur delighted in the way Percy was examining him, methodically sweeping his eyes over his body. He also delighted in the slow smile that was curling his pretty lips exquisitely, so much so that he could stop himself from reaching out to touch them with one finger.

Percy’s hands coaxed small sighs from Arthur’s throat, but once he ventured below the waist, he switched suddenly to moans, letting his head loll back, eyelids fluttering dizzily. The lips at his flesh fell soft as rain, as spring breezes and all sort of other corny things lips hardly ever really feel like. But Percy’s do. It’s almost as if he is a force of nature, an unstoppable entity that he couldn’t escape if he tried.

‘I’m yours’ he murmured.


silenziosa_odio November 13 2007, 03:01:16 UTC
"I know." Percy promised, smiling as his lips fell against Arthur's. He was not normally this type, not usually willing to take the lead in such a thing. Delicate fingers reached out, a draw opening on it's own some space away with a lube drifting out and traveling to his out stretched hand.

"Tell me how much you want me...." Percy's lips teased, Arthur's as he hand stroked, coaxing pleasurable moans from those soft, delicious lips. "Tell me..."


le_gamin November 13 2007, 04:42:45 UTC
Arthur has learned how to beg, how to plead in a way that will actually get him what he wants, how not to go ‘Pleasemonsieurpleasemonsieurpleasemonsieur’ in a high, thin frantic voice like he used to do when he was younger.

‘I want you…I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I want you to use my body, however you see fit. I want you to-‘ His voice catches violently, his breath becoming ragged. ’I want…I want you to fuck me. I want you to hurt me. Please…please don’t make me wait anymore, please.’


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