Fandom: None. original.
Prompt: Conclave
Warnings: Umh. Some swearing.
Rating: PG, I guess, though tell me if it's not the right rating. Heh.
Summary: It's Aidan's birthday and well, more of that thing we call sibling love, and some soapy aspects.
A/N: I wanted to finish and post it before we left for teh vacation and all. And man, so tired. I might have some errors, I've been writing stuff wrong all day for some reason. I don't know. No banner because I'm lazy and all that. Maybe tomorrow, but I doubt it. See you all in three weeks. *Waves*
EDIT: Here will be the banner credits soon.
It was Aidan's 107th birthday today and the first time in about 7 years or so that Renée had been actually there and not Fedex-ing his present. This time she only had to walk about ten steps and she was at his door, dressed in plaid PJ pants (red and dark blue) and a apple green spaghetti strapped top that said 'I don't want to fall in love. I'd rather fall in chocolate.'
She didn't know what you gave your brother for his 107th birthday, so instead of being all cleaver and intuitive she went for the poke-a-fun-at-your-sibling's intellect route with a Word of the day calendar.
She knocked on his door and waited for him to open the door, which is more than he's ever done. He just barges into your room with no respect for your private life. He comes to the doors and he looks like he's been up for at least a few hours, because he's dressed in jeans and T-shirt though he's not wearing any shoes or socks. Hmm.
"Happy birthday, big bro. Hope it can be of some use to you." she tells him, and pushes the neat little package into his hands. It's just some simple dark purple wrapping paper with some bright red ribbon around it. she had it wrapped in the store. Gift wrapping is not one of her talents.
"Umh, thanks. What is it?" He asks her, as he opens it and for some reason she would have thought he'd rip into it like a the 4 year old he sometimes acts like. But no, he takes care of the ribbon and then puts down the wrapping-paper on his desk before looking at the joke with a questioning look.
"It's a word a day calendar. Thought you could use one of those, spruce up your vocabulary. One word a day." Renée told him, smirking back at him as she looked over his place which was actually two rooms. Bedroom and a kinda office space, kind off.
"Haha. Very funny." Aidan told her, meanwhile nothing about him indicated he thought this was funny at all while he put the gift on his desk and went to find some socks in his bedroom. So, doing her sisterly duty she took the plastic of the thing and flipped to the correct day.
The word of the day was Conclave.
Main Entry: con·clave
Pronunciation: 'kän-"klAv
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French, from Medieval Latin, from Latin, room that can be locked up, from com- + clavis key -- more at CLAVICLE
1 : a private meeting or secret assembly; especially : a meeting of Roman Catholic cardinals secluded continuously while choosing a pope
2 : a gathering of a group or association
And how would anyone ever include that into a everyday chat? Except if you were talking about a new pope or something. Though the word did sound kind off evil. Sounded a bit like the name for an evil organization in a Tv show or a movie.
She puts it on a shelve where there was some room and noticed that...Why yes, that was her DVD. Damn it, her brother so had a klepto issue. He just kept taking her things without asking. She turned around and was going to bitch at him for it but she saw that he was now talking to Jay, so she decided maybe it be best it to herself for the moment.
She was just about to look away when Jay noticed her and sent a smile her way. She was freaking 25 years old, but man she had had a crush on Jay since...since she didn't know really and that smile just kinda always made her feel all tingly.
Before she left for university (which had been 2000, when she was 18) there had been this almost kiss. It was just such a TV soap plot. Having a crush on your brothers best friend. And yikes, the age diffrence. 112 years. That's a lot of years.
She finally looked away, down at the DVD she was holding and noticed that she had pulled down with it something else. There was something white sticking out from underneath it. So, she turned the case around and it looked like a worse for the wear Polaroid. Huh. She hadn't seen one of those for a while, but they were great fun if she remembered correctly.
The first thing to actually catch her eye was the writing below the photo which only said '100. 2000' which didn't really help at all. So she looked at the photo to see if that gave off any clues, it looked like a party from the background and the focus seemed to be on who else but Aidan & Jay.
It was one of those moment's caught on film photo's. They weren't really looking at the camera or anything. They were actually just kind off there and maybe it had been taken in between when they were talking or something, but there was something about that photo which was clawing at the back of Renée's mind but she couldn't really but her finger on it.
She slides the photo into the front pocket of her PJ-pants and storms up to where the two are talking. She wasn't really that mad actually, she just annoyed and with that thing clawing at the back of her mind she just needed an outlet plus she had every right to be mad. It was her DVD after all.
"Who said you could take this? I've been looking everywhere for this!" She told him, as she waved the DVD in his face, while he just had this lazy smile on his face and then laughed as she walked away in a huff. She even thought she heard Jay join in. Off course, being best friends they usually did that. The whole lets bug the younger sibling, even if you like said sibling when best friend bugs the sibling you think it's funny.
She got to her room and put away the DVD before she pulled the photo from her pocket and looked at it again. You know it was probably from when Aidan turned 100 in the year 2000. She hadn't been there because school had started and it was being really hectic her first few weeks at school. There was something about this photo, something but she was just not getting it so she gave up and got dressed instead.
Maybe she should ask Aidan or Jay about it. Naw. Then she would have to say where she got it from and then Aidan wouldn't be the only klepto and they'd never let her live that down. Maybe she was just seeing things where there was nothing. it could very well be, she was after all just a newborn vampire after all. Who knows through what kinda stuff one goes through the first years.
It was a slow night. No one seemed to be going anywhere, but then it was all windy and blah outside so she couldn't blame them. She spent most of it in the TV room watching what else but the TV. She was bored out of her skull and Marigold was somewhere visiting relatives far away. She didn't even have a clue where Maddie and Jackie were holed up now. She didn't even think they liked her that much.
She was about half-way through His Girl Friday when Jay and Aidan joined her on the sofa, one on each side of her. They watched it for about five minutes before the questions came. What's happened, what will happen, has she seen it before and stupid things like that. Mostly it was Aidan who was asking but Jay joined in at times. Evil bastards.
Finally she gave up decided to finish watching her movie in her room instead so she stopped the movie before she stood up and said Good Day to the troublemakers. Then she grabbed the DVD from the DVD player and walks towards the lobby which had the stairs to the second floor which held most of the bedrooms.
She turns around at the last minute and is going to say something witty like try and grow up before tomorrow or something but then she sees that look again from the Polaroid between them before Jay picks up the remote and Aidan laughs at something he says as jay channel surfs for something good. What was that look, why couldn't she put her finger on it?
It's not before she has gotten to her bedroom, changed into the same pj's she had on earlier that night and is finding the spot where she left in the movie when it hits her. off course, how could she not see this before? Duh.
But wait, does this mean the guy she's been crushing on for like years has or had a thing for her brother? Did her brother have a thing for him? Has a thing for him? Are they more than best friends? What the fuck is going on? Has she been totally blind or is she just going completely nuts?
The End.
Finished: 13.06.2007
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