Silent Santa 2010 Sign-ups and Rules!!

Oct 20, 2010 06:12

Here's the rules for this year's Silent Santa! Please make sure you're familiar with them all before signing up!

First, request three or more characters, pairings, or threesomes. You can request as many as you'd like (in fact, that would be ideal, considering it makes matching much easier!), but three is the minimum. Out of your requests, you will receive one fanwork (fiction or art).

Make a short list of your general likes and dislikes, and of things you absolutely don't want in your fic or art. If you want you can put them individually with the request (for example if you'd like a fic with violence for one pairing but not for another.)

Please do not request crossovers with specific fandoms (though you can put that in your comments if you want, and maybe the person who receives your request will know the fandom!).

Since this is Silent Hill, you can request any kink you want, though you aren't guaranteed to get it. However, you are still encouraged to participate if you do not wish to write or draw smut or kink.

Please don't request an elaborate plot, as it restricts writers, and also because you may receive art and not fic. A vague idea with lots of room for creative freedom is best for this challenge!

If you are a minor, please do not request or offer smut.

Finally, be sure to friend this community to get updates and due date reminders.

Please state specifically what games, characters, and pairings or threesomes you are willing to write for. Since this isn't computerized like Yuletide, you can say things like "Silent Hill Origins: any het pairing." I will assume you will write gen for any character you list in a pairing unless you say otherwise.

Indicate what genres, themes, and kinks you are or are not comfortable with writing.

Requests can be from any of the games or the movie (we'd like to avoid including the comics, since not as many fans are familiar with them). Since there haven't been any recent game releases, all are fair game and spoilers may exist in the request you receive!

To help you out, you'll receive the full request, but you need only choose one from the list to write.

Having it all be anonymous is part of the fun, so I will be having all fic and art sent to me and posted under one account, but don't worry if you think it's obvious who you are. Please do not reveal who your recipient is.

If anyone remains unmatched, I will ask them to try to think of other characters and pairings they are willing to write or draw for, but I'm hoping that won't happen.

The basic rule: Try to include the things the requester likes, but you don't absolutely have to as long as you write about the characters requested and try your best to keep in the spirit of what they want. However, do not put in anything they said they do not want.

The minimum length for fic is 1,000 words. There is no maximum. Art should be a finished piece, not just a quick sketch.

Pleas state if you are willing to pinch-hit (be assigned an extra art or fic to replace someone who has dropped out.)


Sign-ups will end on November 10. Assignments will be sent out on November 12.

All fic and art is due December 10.

Fic and art will be posted on December 21. (This gives us time to read over everything, and also additional time for any extremely last-minute pinch-hits to be made.)

Authors and artists will be revealed on December 26.

If you sign up and need to drop out, please let either myself or rosehiptea know as soon as possible so a suitable replacement can be found!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or PM me. (:

Request template:

Please copy this template and post it (with formatting intact, that is, please don't remove the bold tags, etc, it makes it easy for me to read! You can remove all my notes, though. In fact, you probably should) in the comments below! ALL COMMENTS ARE SCREENED, so anonymity is preserved! \o/

Your LJ name:
Email address: Please include this!! It's very important!

Pairing/Character Choice 1:
Pairing/Character Choice 2:
Pairing/Character Choice 3:
(list more here if you'd like!!)

General likes:
General dislikes: (This is optional, if it's going to be the same as your answer for "absolutely do not want" then you can leave it off and just explain below.)

I absolutely do not want:

Will Write/Draw: (Beside each game name, please list the pairings (or characters) you will write! If you list pairings, I assume you'll also write gen fic involving that character unless you specify otherwise.)
Silent Hill Origins:
Silent Hill 1:
Silent Hill 2:
Silent Hill 3:
Silent Hill 4:
Silent Hill Homecoming:
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories:
Silent Hill Movie:

Crossover pairings you will write: Not crossovers with other game series, rather, crossovers between Silent Hill games themselves. For example, Walter/Claudia, or Harry/James.

Will you be writing or drawing?:

I like to write/draw: List your general likes here. See the example if you're not sure what I mean.

I will not write/draw:

Are you willing to pinch-hit?:

Please see the example below if you're unsure how to answer any questions!

Your LJ name: lightningrapier
Email address: lightningrapier @ gmail . com

Pairing/Character Choice 1: Walter/Henry, particularly post-game. Henry losing his sanity is always a plus for me!
Pairing/Character Choice 2: Travis/Alex, probably during or after the events of Homecoming
Pairing/Character Choice 3: James gen.

General likes: Dark fic, angst, delving into psychological effects/character's thought processes. I like AU, too, if it still preserves the general feeling of the game. An entirely different universe (Wild West, IN SPACE, etc, probably couldn't do this, but a general "what if" works for me. \o/)
General dislikes: Comedy, crack, PWP (I like smut, but I like smut with substance.)

I absolutely do not want: Necrophilia, any kink involving excrement.

Will Write/Draw:
Silent Hill Origins: Travis, gen? Maybe some Travis/Lisa or Lisa/Kaufmann.
Silent Hill 1: Harry/Kaufmann, Harry gen, absolutely will not write Harry/Cybil or Harry/Lisa
Silent Hill 2: James/Mary, or James gen. Other gen if needed. Will not write any Pyramid Head pairings.
Silent Hill 3: Heather gen. Heather/Douglas, Heather/Vincent. Maaaaybe Heather/Harry. Will not write any femslash or Vincent/Claudia.
Silent Hill 4: Walter/Henry, or gen fic. Will not write any het pairings.
Silent Hill Homecoming: Alex/Travis, Alex gen.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: Any.
Silent Hill Movie: None.

Crossover pairings you will write: Harry/James, Travis/Alex. I could be persuaded to do others if matches are needed, but none are really coming to mind for me. XD

Will you be writing or drawing?: Writing!

I like to write/draw: About the same as what I like to receive, really. Anything with heavy plot, light smut, mild kink. \o/ I'm not the best at heavy smut scenes (my sex scenes tend to be more implied than in-your-face).

I will not write/draw: Comedy, crack, parody, extreme kink, extreme underage.

Are you willing to pinch-hit?: Yes.

Please feel free to request anything! This is a fic exchange, and we are open to anything within the Silent Hill universe! ♥
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