X-Men III: The Last Stand Review

Jun 01, 2006 19:48

I'm on a roll with these EXTREMELY late reviews!

X-Men III, starring a whole lot of people. Let's get on with it, shall we?

Spoilers beyond.

Okay, I'll start off by saying that I like the first two. I think I might even like the second better than the first. This one was good, but it was not great. Not at all.

I liked the flashbacks to Jean and Angel's childhoods. Ian McKellan in a fedora! So, that was cool. Nice demonstration of her powers. Then, we get back to normal times, and poor Scott Summers promptly disappears and presumably dies. Shame. This does seem to happen with far too many characters in this movie, though.

I liked all the new people! Why'd they have to die before we could get to know them?! And where the fuck was Rogue the entire movie? Everyone just disappeared! And what the fuck was up with the "There's only six of us!" They have a whole fucking school! Who cares if the others' powers aren't great, they still have powers! Any help is useful in a fight like this!

Anyroad, I thought Kitty Pryde was cool. Awesome power. Iceman was an idiot, but I can't really blame him for wanting some human contact. I didn't really understand the Beast's power. He's a beast, okay, he has claws, okay, he's blue? What? Speaking of blue, poor Mystique! I actually liked her, even if she was a manipulative fox. It was very sad when Magneto just dismissed her! And, also speaking of blue, where was Nightcrawler? And doesn't it seem that if you're a mutant and some other colour besides skin tones, you're automatically blue? Why is that?

I thought Pyro was an idiot too. And that shockwave chick. What's up with her hair? And, oh, that power-sensing, lighting fast girl, she was mean. And that porcupine guy! Whew. And Angel; very cool power, but who wouldn't want wings? And after all the hype about him, he was only in the movie for about five minutes! I liked him! Oh, Juggernaut was cool too, I liked his accent. Oh, question: why did Magneto have to move the entire bridge? Couldn't they all have gotten on a boat?

Now, Jean Grey. I think she looks better with longer hair. I want my hair that colour!! She was hot, especially in that dress she got from Magneto. Love the red. When she uses her super-power, not just her normal-power, her eyes turned black, right? And her skin turned freaky. But her hair was awesome. I liked how, during the final battle, she did absolutely nothing until she wanted to, then she killed everybody. Oooooh, and another issue! When Logan's walking up the hill to her and she's ripping his skin off, I thought it was so odd that his nice leather pants stayed intact. I understand that they can't have a completely naked guy onscreen, but still, that just seemed so improbable it was silly. His shirt and skin come right off, but his pants are indestructable. Oh, and I love the way Jean wanted him to kill her to make everything stop, but it was still sad.

Sad about the Professor too. And all those other unexplored dead characters. Very sad about Magneto (even though he was bad) getting his powers taken away. It reminded me of, in Pirates of the Caribbean, Barbosa not getting to eat his apple. And that kid that makes people's powers not work. He was cool. Why didn't they just march him up to Magneto and Jean to make them stop? Rogue had a terrible power though, I'm actually glad she got "cured".

But, the cure doesn't work completely, does it? At the end, before the credits, it showed Ian playing chess with no one, and then he moved one of the metal peices slightly with his power. Now, was this the bit everyone's talking about online or was there something else after the credits? Because, sadly, I didn't stay to see. I usually stay for a while, but I didn't on this one. Don't remember why. I hope it wasn't anything really cool that I missed!

I think, overall, this was an okay action movie. But the action moved way too fast and there was no time at all for any good character study. I wouldn't have minded if they stretched the movie out longer to make it just a bit better... Ah, but the special effects were cool, though how could they not be? On the whole, not the greatest movie, but pretty good. I liked the story, in any case.

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