Fic: Breathless

May 05, 2006 17:21

Title: Breathless
Rating: PG
Fandom: lotrips
Pairing: BB/DM
Summary: Four things that leave Billy breathless. A series of four drabbles.
Disclaimer: These people aren't mine and I've never met them. I'm just making up stories for my own enjoyment.
A/N: I thought of this while experiencing the freezing mountain air and had to recite it in my mind until I could find paper and pencil.
A/N2: I'm very new to livejournal, so instead of yelling at me if I do something wrong, can you please point out whatever it is and tell me how to fix it? Ta very much.


“Remember to breathe, Billy,” Dom whispers to you, his teeth chattering slightly, as you stand, shivering, side by side, both looking out at the snowy New Zealand peaks. But no, you think as you gasp and cough, the frigid air burns your lungs and throat. Breathing isn’t such a good idea right now.


“Remember to breathe, Billy,” Dom shouts to you, the excitement evident in his voice as you finally stand up on your board, adrenaline pumping through your veins, as your hand trails the wall of water beside you. But no, you think, because suddenly you’ve fallen and salty water rushes into your mouth and down your throat. When your head breaks the surface, you cough and sputter and choke, trying to expel the water from your lungs. Breathing isn’t such a good idea right now.


“Remember to breathe, Billy,” Dom says quietly, snapping a picture of you silhouetted against the stunning pink and orange of the Mexican sunset. But no, you think as you gasp and take in a large gulp of air. The air is hot and humid and you wipe your hand across your forehead, feeling the large beads of sweat there. Breathing isn’t such a good idea right now.


“Remember to breathe, Billy,” Dom murmurs, kissing your throat. You feel his words rather than hear them as his lips vibrate against your skin. Yes, you think as you pull his mouth to yours. You force yourself to inhale, his scent rushes into your nose. Breathing seems like a very good idea right now.

Because you want to be there, with him, for whatever happens next.


fanfic, one-shot, lotrips

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