Pippin Review

May 06, 2006 17:32

Pippin, the Musical! 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle.

Let this be known: I do not consider myself an expert on theatre or musicals. But I will try.

Contains spoilers.

At the beginning, this show looks like it belongs in Vegas. Very sparkly and shiny. They started off with a magic act, in which a guy from the audience (lead actor) disappeared. Then, in his first solo number, Pippin is reading from a script until he gains confidence and throws the book away.

Now, I've seen this show before, and the movie version of it. Pippin is one of my favorites for both the story, the humor, and the music. In this version, everything is a bit more modern. The choreography was similar to what I've seen before, but the sets were fantastic. Act One has most of my favorite songs, including Magic To Do, Corner Of The Sky, and Glory, and deals with Pippin not finding his destiny in ruling the kingdom.

Act Two, on the other hand, deals with Pippin and his "girlfriend" and her son. Catherine takes him in while he's depressed and he grumbles about having to do actual physical labour. Her son, Theo, has a pet duck that dies dramatically when Pippin can't fix it, which leads Theo into a depression as well. Pippin finally gets fed up with family life and goes back to the bright, shiny lights and sequins. Until, of course, he realizes he doesn't want to go out in a blaze of glory, he wants to live long and happily with Catherine and Theo.

The last bit was the best, in my opinion. As Pippin and Catherine leave, Theo stays behind with the Leading Player. Theo, who hadn't sung anything up to this point, then starts to sing Pippin's Corner Of The Sky and the Leading Player drags him into the glitz and glamour.

So yes, there is my take on Pippin. I hope you enjoyed.

theatre review

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